Sunrise 1.11.12 Wordless Wednesday

Sunrise 1.11.12, no photo enhancements, just great color.
Cheers, Jenni


  1. It really was a great one this morning.

  2. Gorgeous...So glad you captured it! I was waiting at the bus stop soaking this in, wishing I had my camera ;) Hope your day is a beautiful one...Cheers Julia

  3. Stopping by from "Happily Married to the Cows." Yes, a most magnificent sunrise with a rainbow of glowing colors. Makes being up early very worthwhile.

  4. Those are spectacular photos! The colors are incredible. What a perfect way to start the day.

  5. I was at work when I looked out and saw the sunrise and thought that moments like those make me wish I didn't have to work or was a photographer by trade. I'm glad you captured it so nicely.

  6. Lovely sunrise but red sky in the morning - oh dear!

  7. Wow! Amazing photos. So pretty and colourful.

  8. Glorious...that's one of the best things about winter in the PNW...the AMAZING sunrises!


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