Creating a Community

As many of my regular readers know, my family moved this past year into a new community. It's hard to be the new kid in town, even for the mother of the house. I found myself nervous about fitting in and making new friends, just like my kids.

A beautiful thing happened. I was invited into a space of incredible women. It was the typical story line of mommy-hood. I met a neat gal through helping in my child's classroom and was invited to join a group of fellow mother's who met weekly for coffee.

I was cautious at first as I prefer to sit and listen awhile, observe for a time, before I venture too far in with a potential new friendship. But, as I watched and as I listened, I heard something building.

I saw women reaching out to each other, helping with kids, sharing recipes, teaching others skills like bread making, and just listening. Listening with out judgement, listening with kindness, listening with care.

I have spent sometime thinking about these new women in my life and I have come to realize how special this thing is that I've stumbled upon.

Building a community takes an investment of time. We move so quickly these days and people do not seem to take the time to invest in one another. To put the work in.

I value this experience. Sometimes, special things don't last. But today, I celebrate this group of great women and the experiences shared thus far. I am grateful that someone showed kindness to me, a new gal in town, linked arms with me and said, join us.  It's made all the difference.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. How nice to be made so welcome. Is there a similar arrangement for the Dads?

    1. Good question Mark! While I have not crossed paths with any Dads staying home to care for kids, I can say, that my husband has made several friends with fellow father's in our neighborhood. They are hanging out regularly!

  2. It reminds me of home. Although our farm/ranching community was very spread out, it always amazed me how people would band together when help, support, or celebration was needed. I'm glad you have found your new community welcoming. It sounds like a great group.

  3. Dropping by to wish you a Happy Easter.


  4. Sounds like you have fallen on your feet Jenni - I think staying at home makes the difference - when you go out to work every day there is little time and opportunity to meet 'neighbours' especially with everyone jumping into a car on their doorstep to go out.

    I think hanging around at school gates or dog walking seems to be the way to meet people.

    1. I'd say you are right Sue! I have been busier than I expected this year running my business, but I have made the time to volunteer in the schools. Great people there!

  5. I am so happy for you Jenni. I recently found a lovely group of widows who took me in with open arms filled with love, joy and encouragement.

    Enjoy getting to know this sisterhood of Moms.

    Happy Spring and Happy Gardening ~ FlowerLady

    1. Sisterhood is a great word to describe it Lorraine! I am glad you have found a group too. I've been thinking of you!

  6. I'm happy you've met a nice group of moms! They will be important to you as your kids get older. I've been meeting with a group of moms that mostly met when our kids were in kindergarten. Once they were in first grade we started meeting every Thursday morning and have been for 9 years now! We plan as much as we can around our Thursday mornings because we know it's important for us in so many ways. Many of our kids have grown in different directions and may not all hangout like they used to, but we've all been there for each other during our kids and our ups and downs. It's so nice to have other women that can relate to what we are going through. They are lucky to have you as part of their group of friends!

    1. Catherine, I remember seeing posts from you about your 'moms group'. I think seeing your positive experience helped make me open to the idea. So, thank you!

  7. I'm smiling right now after reading your post, very happy for you that you've connected with such a welcoming, comfortable, supportive, enjoyable circle of new friends! Although in my case it wasn't a move, I remember after our daughter was born, wondering how I would meet fellow moms since most of my longtime girlfriends either have older children or no children. I am sooo grateful that it ended up being very easy to connect with the moms of our daughter's closest friends. Everyone is willing to lend each other a helping hand, and we truly enjoy one another as friends, too, not just as fellow moms, which has been really nice. At the same time, I still enjoy old friends, the small group of fellow entrepreneurs with whom I meet monthly and this wonderful online community of kindred creative spirits (like you!) Cheers for girlfriends everywhere! May you continue to enjoy your newfound sisterhood!

  8. What a nice post. Hope all is going well in your new home.

  9. How wonderful to find this special group. Community is so important to people but too often in these crazy, fast paced days, we either ignore or don't find these special groups. Hooray for you, your new home, and this special community of women, however long it lasts!

  10. Good to hear that you've found this community. So many things will be easier as a result.


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