Spring GardenPalooza 2014

It was a blustery, and semi-damp, early spring day for this year's Spring GardenPalooza, but that did not stop the enthusiastic plant shoppers from showing up to enjoy the event.

Over 40 vendors of plants, garden art and food, braved the weather and set up shop. I spoke with Fir Point Farms owner, Jessica Romaine and she excitedly told me the event appeared to draw it's largest crowd and many of the vendors I spoke with echoed that sentiment.

After grabbing some apple pie to bring back to the husband unit from Country Grains bakery, I headed out to shop plants.

Aloe with a fabulous color contrast
Lewisa cotyledon
Aquilegia, Clementine Dark Purple
So many pretty flowers. But I was good. I stuck to my list. Bah.

The boys at Gartner's Meat Market seem to be enjoying themselves
I believe there were several more art vendors this year. I admired Cowdawg Creations beautiful patina copper creations.

Cowdawg Creations
I always enjoy Sedum Chicks booth. Lot's of creative ideas to decorate with sedums and sempervivum.

Sedum Chicks
Garden Gallery Iron Works 
More excitement is happening at Fir Point Farms as Bauman's Farm and Garden will be partnering with Fir Point to bring nursery stock, hanging baskets and annual & perennial plants to Fir Point all season. I'll be watching with anticipation to see the changes.

Most of these vendors will be at next weekends grand event, Hortlandia, in Portland, Oregon, (at the Expo center) one of the largest plants sales all season.

My loot
So, get ready. It's time to garden.

Fir Point Farms

Cheers and Happy Spring!


  1. Good loot! Is that a Gold Heart Dicentra? I have that and love it!

  2. Yes it is! I probably have drooled over yours. I looked at several vendors and found the 'perfect' one. I also got more Carex Testacea, as mine perished during our harsh winter. Let's see...Verbena bonariensis for my sun perennial garden, the gold heart dicentra and Heuchera 'Sweet Tea' to match the one I have and love. Funny, they are calling the carex testacea 'Prairie Fire'. I laughed, I'm like...it's just orange sedge ;)

  3. I loved reading all the build up to this event, maybe someday I'll attend. Until then...can't wait for Saturday!!!

    1. I saw a bit more diversity this year, plant wise. Last year, nothing spiky, this year, a couple of vendors had spiky stock! :)

  4. The blue frame with the sedums and sempervivums is absolutely stunning! I'd never have the courage to put it in my garden though... I'm having trouble understanding the concept of going to an event like this with a LIST. And you stuck to it, you say. How?

  5. With a name like "Gardenpalooza" it's gotta be fun!


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