Storm Damage Set Backs

Gardening is a constant reminder of patience and this hobby (life passion) teaches the most poignant of life lessons.

I spent a lot of time and money this past summer and early fall trying to finalize what had been a troublesome spot in my garden. By the time October began, I felt really good about the progress I had made and the plant choices I had settled upon.

Then, this past weekend, this happened.

Our neighbors tree dropped a large limb on our property. Exactly on the area I had finished. sigh. Likely a result of two wind storms in the past two weeks and then a very heavy rainstorm over this past weekend.

The limb was from a forked section on the 30 year old fir tree. It severely damaged our 80 year old Star Magnolia tree. I'm afraid it may be finished.

I was most stressed about the lovely collection of dwarf conifers I had carefully planted. I tried very hard to keep my cool but I'll admit tears were shed.

Thankfully, no fallen limbs damaged our newly remodeled garage/shop. I daresay the old magnolia tree took the brunt of the fall.

My husband and the neighbors were quick to begin the clean up. My husband was very careful to try and salvage all the plants that he could for me. He knew I was feeling quite distraught.

By mid afternoon the mess was cleared and I took inventory of what was lost. It's always sad to see precious plants smashed to bits. But, it could have been worse.

The neighbors plan to take down the rest of the fir tree. I suspect the remaining parts of the magnolia tree will be taken down as well. It will make it easier to implement plans I have for a privacy fence in the future and well as bring more sunlight to this part of the garden. If I sit down and rethink my design for the area, it's possible that I could be happier with the end result.

Gardening requires patience and flexibility. Pretty much sums up a good outlook towards life in general.

Wishing all a very Happy Holidays!

P.S. Sorry for the crummy pictures, I used my iPhone camera as it was raining hard at the time.


  1. Oh that's awful, so sorry to read this. It's so sad to lose a wonderful tree like the magnolia, but I'm glad it opens up some opportunities for you as well.
    Have a lovely Christmas.

  2. Some life lessons are harder than others. It would require a hard heart indeed to get through that one without a few tears. You set a shining example by concluding that you may wind up happy with the end result.

    1. I really think I was stunned and it seems to be a lesson that despite all my careful planning, mother nature will take her course. Of course I'm thinking of all the potential new plants I can stuff in this area now as well ;)

  3. Oh no! I'm so sorry for you. Your neighbor should have removed that double top in their fir years ago. I hope you were able to salvage most of the plants in the landing zone. That magnolia will probably bounce back just fine, but it will never be the same again and will probably be a suckering mess for years.

    1. EB, I agree that it will be a suckering mess which is why I'm steeling myself to have have it cut down.

  4. My heart aches for you, this would be a hard pill to swallow and I am in awe of your positive outlook.

  5. I'm glad that you have seen some positives through the initial gloom Happy Christmas

  6. Oh dear, this kind of thing always breaks our gardening hearts. But like you said maybe you'll be happier with what will transpire in this sunnier place now.

    Have a love, peace and joy filled Christmas and may 2015 be a great year for you and your gardens ~ FlowerLady

  7. I'm sorry! It's hard to see well laid plans get smashed (literally in this case). Hopefully over time you'll be able to make some adjustments that you'll be happy with. Maybe when spring comes, some new life will pop up that you aren't expecting!

    1. Mother nature really does have the final say in things! Hard to accept sometimes but I'm really working on 'rolling' with things better.

  8. Ugh, I'm sorry that happened. It sounds like you have a lot of plans for the area though, and I hope you do end up happier with the end result.

  9. I would be interested to know what your neighbour's attitude to this event has been. Have they offered to pay for any damage? Or can you claim on any insurance policy?

    1. Hi Mark, it's a long history with these neighbors. Our families have lived next to each other for many, many years. When my father-in-law owned our home, he had large trees that dropped huge limbs onto the neighbors property, causing a lot of damage. This tree fall wasn't nearly on that scale and they were very gracious in the past about damage done to their property, so I feel like I need to do the same. They were very Johnny on-the-spot with removing debris right away. I don't know that I can ask for more. They will also help cut the remainder of the magnolia tree. I could look into the insurance policy, but there is always a catch with those companies anytime you make a claim.

  10. It reminds me of the time I started several perennials from seed. I slowly hardened them bring them in and out each day. I was so proud the weekend I finally planted them outside in the garden. I raced home from work that Monday to see how their first day went. Only to find the gas company had done some work in our yard and literally piled rocks right on top of them! I was devastated. It was years before I could bring myself to try and raise plants from seeds. I am so sorry about your trees. Hopefully, the extra light will cause them to flourish this year.

  11. Oh Bonnie, you've nailed it! Sometimes our best laid plans go bust. I'm thinking I'm going to rip out the whole bed and redesign. I feel like it was a sign to do that.


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