Winter sun says get something done!

The winter sun has been shining the past few days....warming up the afternoon temps to the 40's. This afternoon after the kids were down for nap time, I was able to spend an hour outside, puttering away in the yard.
The first order of business was to add a new layer of fence around the front flower beds at many of my bulbs are beginning to peek through the mulch. I want to keep our dogs from running across the flower beds so that the bulbs have a chance to make it!
The second order of business was to clean up some of the dead leaves from the daylilly's and then to pluck the few weeds that have managed to succeed during out stint with frosty temps.
Third, more mulch. A few of the plants have further died down and now I can add a bit more mulch around the bases of the plants and shrubs. Plus, a little fresh mulch always makes things feel new and gives me a sense of hope that spring will arrive soon!
I can't wait for the crocus and daffodils to bloom..I will be eagerly awaiting for their in hand :)

In the meantime, all looks tidy..which is how I like it. And I need to pencil out plans for a raised garden. I'm thinking for using the kids little swimming pool as it will be too small for the both of them this summer and I'd love to reuse the old one.

Cheers to the sun!


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