Weekend Pics

Right before the rainstorms hit this weekend I took some pictures of my last crop of blooming tulips and my little garden helper, Rusty.

Rusty is very helpful. He loves to help me water the plants. Granted most of the water from his watering can ends up on himself, but he enjoys the process and quickly lets me know when he "needs more water"!

One of the current blooming bulbs that I really enjoy this time of year are the blue wood hyacinths. When we bought the house they were blooming an a thick carpet of blue along the side of the house in what is now my shade garden.
I thinned out the wood hyacinths as they multiply quickly, gave some to my Mother who lives a rural area as they are deer resistant and they have hence replenished themselves in the past 2 springs and are back to their 'blanketing' state. So if any friends or family would like some for their yards, let me know, I have plenty :)

The humming birds we have enjoyed all winter have moved along and the chickadee's have flown back into the mountains, so we are left with the sparrows, blue jays and robins. I have been encouraged to add a bird bath to our yard to encourage more birds to come and visit.

Something to ponder.

This next weekend will be devoted to working on the Dennis family community garden. I'll have some fun posts to share about our families gardening adventures.


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