Rainy Day Blues

I've got the Rainy Day blues. Drat this wet El Nino spring!

However, I have had some fun new feathered visitors. As it's been rather gray, pardon my pics. I hope to snap some better ones when the sun peaks out...ya know...in August. LOL

The goldfinch came and went. It was nice they stopped by and greeted us for a weekend. Their song is always so cheerful.

Two pairs of black headed grosbeaks have stayed and seem to be quite cozy.

The ladies are not feeling camera friendly.

Also, the greedy little house finches are back.
So, while we might not be able to get outside much, watching the birds out the window has been giving my kiddos and I a lot of pleasure :)

Cheers ~ Jenni RainyDay Gardener


  1. Hey Jenni, I'm sharing your Joy and pain too, looking forward to some beautiful N.W. sinshine real soon, T. :)

  2. Hi Jenni, I'm with you on this dang weather - maybe by August we can get out. Don't ya love the birds hanging out? It's about the only pleasure we get right now too.

  3. I laughed at your comment about ladies being not camera friendly. Yes, looking at that face tells exactly that!
    I also want to tell you how much I like your blooms from the previous post. How did you get the delphinium bloom so early? I should check mine: maybe, it didn't survive the winter. Your colunbine is oh, so pretty!

  4. Hi Tatyana, I think I got lucky with my Delphinium. It made it through the winter and has been a real delight! I had another and it did not fair as well and has hence been replaced with another variety...it's not looking very happy either. sigh.

  5. This weather sure has been dreary. It's pouring here now, boo!
    I love your Goldfinch, I haven't seen any here for awhile. The Chickadees have been busy flying in and out of their house feeding the babies so that's had us entertained. Good thing for the birds.
    Crossing my fingers for sun before August :)

  6. I wish you would send a little rain our way. I love the pictures of the birds. We find great consolation in our birds as well.


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