Is that fall in the air?

Oh it's been a bit dreary here along the Columbia River....a little bit of drizzle here and there. Summer appears to only have been only a few weeks long.. lovely Oregon...well this year at least!
There are a few blooms still cheering up the cottage gardens, here's a peek:

Volunteer sunflowers started from my bird feeders :)

Coral Dahlia's
Black Eye'd Susans
Pretty Verbena in the flowers pots. I really love the peach and white colored one:

I've been drying my thyme in hopes of creating some nice holiday handmade/grown gifts. At least it smells wonderful in my garage!

My training program has ended for my new employment and I am happy to be home at a regular time each more 4+ hours on the road to and from work!!

I hope to be able to get back into my blogging swing, I've missed my gardening friends!

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Jenni, your coral dahlia is incredibly beautiful!

  2. I love your dahlia too. All of your flowers look happy.


  3. Hi Jenni. Your verbena is so pretty. Mine did terrible this year for some reaosn but yours looks so healthy and big. Love the coral dahlia too. Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Fall is definitely in the air. That dahlia is just beautiful! Do you know the name. None of mine came back and I plan to add more next year.
    I love volunteer sunflowers.

  5. Hey Jenny, welcome back I wondered where you were.
    Love your flowers, I've never had a volunteer sunflower. I'll be lucky to see color on the ones I started in February winter sowing. No Dahlias this year either. Lucky you!

  6. @Catherine..not sure what the name's from Swan Island Dahlia's..I need to research that's been a treat..the only dahlia blooming in my yard right now!

  7. Hey Jenni, nice to see you around :)

    I bet the commute was awful :(

    Your flowers are gorgeous, I can't grow dahlias because the slugs just eat them so quickly :(

    Have a lovely weekend, T. :)

  8. Hi Jenni~~ Your blooms are beautiful. It's so funny the weather. It's been a lot sunnier down this way. Cool temps though. I went to a farmer's market this morning wearing my coat and the owner commented on it and said he and his staff were all wearing coats too and how odd it was for early September.

    Have a great week. Hopefully you won't have to bundle up!

  9. The dahlia was my favorite, but all the others were lovely as well. I agree, fall is coming fast. All the blooms look bright and happy. What more could you ask for as the weather starts to fall.

  10. Beautiful photos!! Fall is most definitely arriving early. Glad you are not having to make the big fat drive all the time. Cheers! Bonnie


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