Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays to all my blogging friends! I've so enjoyed reading your many posts this past year, especially my gardening friends. I've been introduced to so many new plants and gardening tips; it's been a wonderful year of reading a learning for me.
I began a new job in July that has taken away much of my free time and ability to participate in blogging..but I am hopeful for changes next year that will allow me to live in gardening glee again :)

Merry Christmas and wishing all a Healthy and Happy New Year!


  1. "Happy Holidays" to you and your family too!

    Jenni, it has been nice to see you around bloggerville when time allows. Your life sounds so busy but I am sure it is rewarding and very exciting esp. with your little ones as we approach the big day :)

    I am looking out the window and looking at all the pruning and weeding that needs to be done in the New Year but for now it is cleaning the house in readiness for the tribes arrival home :)

    Have a lovely time, cheers, T. :)

  2. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too! I hope you have a great year ahead, like you said. It would be nice for you to have more time for gardening and blogging. It is so hard to work a full-time job when you have little ones!

    I promised a while back to send you some Dahlia seeds, I should get them in the mail!

  3. Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year to you and your family! I hope you'll have more time for gardening and blogging in 2011! If not, well... life is bigger than gardening.

  4. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I bet your kids are excited.
    I look forward to seeing what's happening in your garden.

  5. Hi Jenni, I know how easy it is to have work and other projects get in the way of the important things, like blogging. :) I hope you have a peaceful Christmas and New Year. Hugs, Grace

  6. Merry Christmas and a Happy new year to you too Rainy day gardener.


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