Labeling the Lady Bloggers

I was fascinated by a post earlier this week by Cozy Little House, where the author asks her readers what they thought about the label of 'shelter blogs' that is given (not sure by whom) to female bloggers over the age of 45; a category her blog fell into.

She discussed the phenomenon of 'mommy bloggers' and praised the movement of younger women, writing out in the blog-o-sphere. She wondered if women bloggers of her age (45+) were 'being put out to pasture' as the mommy bloggers received, in her opinion, more attention (not sure what measurement she was using).

I found the post and resulting comments fascinating because I never had before wondered what the age was of this particular blogger, or frankly any other bloggers. I was perplexed because I didn't realize there was a dividing line between those who are raising kids and blogging, and those whose children have left the nest and blogging. Where was the label for all of the other fantastic female bloggers who did not have children? Or the dudes?

I like the blog Cozy Little House because of her sense of style, appreciation for re-purposing goods and decorating ideas on the cheap. She has great tips on how to better use blogger and I find her writing, witty and informative. Her photography is incredible.

I am however, put off, if you will, at being lumped into a group that is based on my age and reproduction status. Don't get me wrong, raising my kids is a large part of what I do everyday..but so is running my small business, gardening organically, becoming more self-sufficient and giving the finger to a consumer society.  I don't want a label.  I just want to blog about topics that interest me and connect with like minded souls. I could give a shit if he/she has kids or not. I don't care about age.  We will all inevitably go through different stages in life.

I wish we simply valued people as individuals and did not feel the need to 'group' or 'label', nor spur any kind of competition between age/sex/reproduction status. I know this is a cheezy thing to say, but seriously..we all have a place and value in blog-land.

And on that note, I'm going to go back and stick my head in the non-judgmental, Utopian sand.   haha.



  1. I would probably be shuffled to the "old white haired guys." Understand that I am known as "George of the jungle" for my sometimes rampant growth of volunteers. Just keep doing your great blog.

  2. I never consider age, sex or stage of life either Jenni. We none of us fit into boxes as often we have absolutely nothing in common with others of a similar age, sex or marital or reproductive status. Ah but I so remember you saying you were at school when we (Walter and I) were starting allotment gardening so you know where I must fit in.

  3. Ha Sue! And not just any school..primary! :) See the point just illustrates the incredible wisdom you and 'Walter' have as gardening pro's! (I happen to place a very high value on people with a tremendous amount of gardening wisdom such as yourselves :)
    George, old white haired guys are the bomb..just so you know :)

  4. What a charmer you are!

    By the way I was at primary school too except I was teaching!

  5. Labels are for designer jeans. Not people.

    There are those who like to make science out of everything. Labels, categories, sorting and prioritizing... I can see the value in that. Demographics have their place. However, for me it's more about the content of the blog that interests me. The age, marital status, sex and personality of the blogger will emerge if s/he is authentic and this is what I hope to see when I read blogs--that authenticity. I would hate for a blogger to feel s/he must hide those things because s/he might not "fit in." It's the uniqueness that intrigues me.

  6. We could say "why is it that such a high proportion of bloggers is female?". We men are in the minority here for sure, but I too don't think age or gender matters. It's what they write that matters. If I enjoy it, I'll read it without worrying about who the author is - and I'll probably never meet them in person anyway.

  7. I'm definitely with you and Grace and the others who've commented here. I'm not interested in labels, only content. I read a wide variety of blogs from all different parts of the country because they all have something interesting to say. I have sought out bloggers from the PNW because this climate is so new to me, but for the most part I don't care if they're old or young or male or female or whatever. When I do find out that kind of stuff about them, it helps me to feel I know them better as a person, but it doesn't affect whether I think their blog is relevant to me or not.

  8. Is there a label for the rather more mature grey-haired granny bloggers who just love to rabbit on about their gardens?

    Like all the previous commenters, I've never given a moment's though to the demographic of the bloggers I visit. It's the content of the blog that keeps me reading and coming back to visit again and again.

  9. Wow! Where have I been. Here I thought I wa keeping a bit of a diary about my adventures in this world and enjoying hearing about other people's adventures. Suddenly I find out I'm not appreciating my elders, sharing information because I am unsure and looking for guidance. I didn't know I was raving about mommy bloggers or whatever that title was. Jeeze I have no clue how old a person is and sometimes even their gender. I just look for what interests me. I had to laugh when that post talked about not remembering where her keys were. Hell, I have to give a big presentation tomorrow and I don't remember where I put my notes. I'm 40 or am I? Ha!

  10. Maybe we could start a club called "bloggers against labels." I would rather spend more time enjoying my garden (and everyone else's too) and less time trying to figure out what age, gender, and children status makes the best blogs, carrots, blueberries and pothos.

  11. Would you mind if I assigned you to the category "Really Cool Bloggers"?

  12. Interesting! I am with you and Grace on this one too. Occupy Labels. hehehe

  13. Same here, I would hate to be labelled. I approach other bloggers like I approach people in real life. Sometimes I'm surprised to discover a blogger's age after some time - most people whose blogs I like seem not to flaunt a particular age.


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