Blogs I like to Read!

What a nice compliment to wake up to on this eve of Eve's! Sue over at Green Lane Allotment was kind enough to list my blog as one of the blogs she likes to read (with under 200 followers).

She's given me a little liebster love :)

The Liebster is awarded to spotlight up and coming bloggers who currently have less than 200 followers.
Now I'm going to keep the love going and follow the guidelines below, feature some of my favorite blogs.

1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.
2. Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
4. Have faith that your followers will spread the love to other bloggers.
5. And most of all - have fun!

I know some of these 'awards' are kinda corny, but I pass this along in the spirit of appreciation for blogs I enjoy.  I've never cared about how many followers I have; I just appreciate the garden bloggers I have connected with and the spirit of gardening friendship they provide.

Here are a few blogs I'd like to feature:

Bonnie at Birds, Bee's, Berry's, Blooms is a treasure. She gardens at a higher altitude in the Black Hills of South Dakota.  This is her first year blogging and her post's are a joy to read.  She really knocked it out of the ball park this Christmas season with lovely homemade gift giving ideas and directions.  Bonnie has a great sense of humor and I know you'll enjoy her blog as much as I do.

Alison at Bonnie Lassie is a gardening pro.  She has moved to the Pacific Northwest from the East Coast and has fully embraced our soggy lifestyle. I have enjoyed following her adventures as she creates a new home and garden and I love how she has tried to use a lot of NW native plants.  Despite living in the PNW my entire life, I've been learning from Alison about native plants!

Linda at Slow Growing in Scotland offers a look at what it's like to grow veggies in an allotment in Scotland.  Linda has a lovely sense of humor and I am especially fond of her because she keeps it real.  It's not always easy to juggle all the commitments in life, but she never gives up on her allotment and I appreciate her perspective and genuine joy of growing things.

Kelli over at My Garden Diary, gardens on an acre in Northern Ireland.  She  grows from seed and works hard to garden organically.  Kelli has offered some great gardening tips this past year that I have used with success.  I especially enjoy photo's of Kelli's garden supervisor, as her cat often gives her company outside.  Kelli has a kind spirit that comes through her posts and I enjoy her sense of curiosity as she tries new seeds.

Bernie at My Dry Tropics Garden, gardens in north-eastern Australia. It's such a treat to follow her adventures when it's winter in my neck of the woods.  I feel like I get transported each time I visit her blog to a warm, sunny and other-worldly place.  Her photography is beautiful and she works hard to describe and relay what like is really like in the dry tropics and she discusses how she maintains her beloved plants year round.  I am always impressed with her collection of begonias. 

I will add that Sue's blog at Green Lane Allotments is always one of my favorite reads.  Sue has given me great advice for my garden this year and I really appreciate her!

I can't encourage you enough to visit these fantastic bloggers who carefully detail their gardening adventures on their blog.  I've learned so much from them.

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year!
Cheers, Jenni


  1. A bit confused but there is not enough hours in the day to read them all,got to get some gardening done.
    Wishing you a Happy New Year.

  2. Hi Cathy, it's many good blogs out there, so little time to read. It's the 'quiet' season here where I'm at, so I'm able to enjoy a few more than normal :)

  3. Jenni, Thanks so much for the link love! I really appreciate it. I love Bonnie's blog too. I'll have to check out the others.

    So, now I pick five of my favorites too?

  4. You've got it Alison..pick your five if you'd like to play along :) They are suppose to be five bloggers with under 200, small timers ;)

  5. Now I understand last time I only saw the title congratulations to the award well deserved now I am going to look at some more blogs because it is raining.
    Raining cats and blogs.
    Happy New year

  6. Very well deserved Jenni - my pleasure to pass it one and you've given me some new blogs to visit too!

  7. Thanks very much for the award, a really lovely surprise! I've been travelling over the holidays so haven't made it to a computer very regularly. I hope to check out some of the other blogs you mention as they sound really good. Thanks again, all the best for 2012!

  8. Well your mention in this post was a lovely surprise to come home to! I've been away for a little while over the Christmas/New Year and away from blogging. I came home to find your comment on my blog and just had to pop over to see what was going on.

    Thanks so much for the mention. It's great to know there are other gardeners out there who find my ramblings interesting. It's fantastic to be part of the garden bloggers' world, and I just love finding new blogs to read. It's great to see the 'little' bloggers getting some recognition, so I'll have to carry that on now with a post of my own.


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