That Old Groundhog has got it Wrong!

I don't care if Puxatony Phil saw his shadow today or not, I say, winter is on it's way out!

My gardens are telling me that at least here, in the Pacific Northwest, spring is beginning to show her smiling face.

Blue Skies today
Happy Birds chirping around (Lesser Goldfinches)
Daffodils are peeking up
As are the crocus, paper-whites, hyacinths and tulips

Fresh leaves on the Aquilegia
Hellebore buds are readying for their shining moment
New energy is beginning to bud in the garden, so Old Phil, what do you know anyway? Six more weeks of winter....not here my friend. Spring is on her way!

Cheers, Jenni


  1. I completely agree. Things are budding up all over!

  2. I agree with you. I think Phil got it wrong. At least, I sure hope he's wrong!

  3. Wish I could say the same here. Your photos did give me hope.

  4. Well, I sure hope you are right cuz some of us don't have any signs of new life like you do! My zone 6b (on the new map we're supposed to be 7 but I don't think so!) garden is still completely asleep. I would just love it if Phil made a mistake this year! :)

  5. Winter is definitely here with us today! Our poor hellebores are holding their heads down trying to stop their noses freezing off!

  6. I don't know... the sign of Spring is definitely there (and in Northern Ireland as well). However I think it may be the case of the 'calm before the Winter storm'. Time will tell :)

    1. Kelli, wondering if you've been caught in the big storm that's hitting England and some of Western Europe?

  7. You've got me convinced! I need to go take a look at my gardens and see what is coming up, even though the sun is shining I haven't ventured out.

    Beautiful to see the budding plants.

  8. Isn't it the GroundFROG that really does the predicting? I'm with you. Spring is definitely in the air. Sunshine blue sky and new signs of life. Hooray!

  9. Spare a thought for us at the other side of the pond...Two weeks ago, this would have been a very good description of my garden too, here in London. Today, we are in the midst of a big freeze here in Europe so severe that people are dying! Sunday we expect to wake up to 4 inches of snow, in quickly things turn...I’d take the mild winters any day!! Loved your photos :-)

    1. Hi Helene, I was watching some Premiership football this morning and saw lot's of snow on the pitch! Hope it doesn't last too long and that spring will find you soon!

  10. Well, we have gone back a few steps: we have some belated Winter weather. You saw my pics of the frost; now that has been followed by overnight snow. Here in Hampshire we have got off lightly compared with most places - we only have about a centimetre of the stuff.
    However, we are only about 30 miles from London Heathrow airport, and yesterday they said that a third of their flights for today were being cancelled in order to lessen the "inevitable" disruption!


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