A Spot of Color

It's amazing how energized the spirit can get with just a touch of colorful flowers in the late winter. I sometimes feel irritated at the thought of spending money on a few annuals to spruce up my doorstep.  But then I do and I feel a bit of cheer when I see them brightening up the otherwise muted landscape.

Narcissus Jet Fire

English primroses are a late winter container favorite. I try to re-home them after the weather warms but they don't seem to survive our slug ridden garden beds.

I had a bit of sticker shock when I added the narcissus to my basket at the garden center. I justified the purchase by 1) making a note in my mind that my husband would be off the hook for Valentine's day 2) I could plant them in the ground next fall and 3) well, I needed some height for my color pots. ;)

I hate it when I get back home from the garden shop and think, oh, I could have added at least 2 more plants to this pot.

I could not get my kid to smile for the camera to save me life.  And yes, she loves dinosaurs.
Little sister was my helper for the project. She carefully picked out each set of plants for the two containers. She could not find a purple primrose to her liking so she added the pansies. I tried to get her to consider a different color other than the red primroses feeling that they didn't match well enough. But, she would not be dissuaded from her quest to add red.

By the time we wrapped up, high clouds had moved in overhead and the air had softened. Rain is on the way. Our week of crisp, sunny, winter days is all but over.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Red is my favorite color! There's always room for red. Little sister is adorable, even without the smile. Slugs like my primroses too, I keep forgetting to dose them with Sluggo.

  2. What a cheery container to brighten the day...love it!

  3. Your daughter is so cute! My little one likes to help design containers too and there are times I try to convince her to choose other colors but she isn't too flexible.
    The bulbs here are expensive too, but you're right at least we can plant them in the garden later.
    Our weather has started to change also, it was so pretty while it lasted.

  4. Your little helper is nice. They seem to know when you especially want them to smile... that's when we use bribery. (sometimes it works)
    Our children are young enough that all you have to do is distract them while you grab the right colors and then whisk them away before they realize the dirty trick you played. It probably won't last much longer though ;)
    Maybe your next post could be 101 excuses for why you should buy the expensive plant! I am always looking for more!

  5. I needed a burst of color. It is very cold and very white here today. Thanks!

  6. Very cheery looking containers if not small helper.

    Interesting that you call the plants English primroses as I think of the wild pale yellow ones when I hear that term used.

    1. Hi Sue, yes, they market the primroses with that name, not sure why except that they are likely a hybrid of your native primrose. It's about all you can find until later in the season for color. Hardy things :)

  7. I was doing the same as you recently... planting up a pot for the front door. I used primrose as well. Put two or three plants in and started searching around the garden to see if I could find anything else to add... eventually I found a wild varigated ivy plant growing under the hedgerow (lol). Pulled up some pieces and stuck them in with primroses to bulk things up a bit. (Now I have to remember to water it as under a porch at front door). Your helper looks content even if she isn't smiling!

    1. Well done Kelli, adding bits from around your beautiful place. I hope to have so much growing in a few years that I can do the same :)

  8. Oh Jenni, that is just the cutest photo and you can tell your daughter is smiling at you thru those gorgeous eyes :)

    WOW!! you have been busy and I agree with your daughter "RED" definitely (for me) is essential for a primula :)

    Although, I keep looking at my barren pots either side of the front door and know I have to get my act tog but unfortunately this is the year I have to completely change the soil and that is a job I am not looking forward to so, I am holding off for a few weeks(if we didn't have glass either side of the door I wouldn't be reminded about this every time I walk downstairs (He! He!)

    Have a lovely Thursday, cheers, T. :)

  9. Such beautiful bright colours. Smile or no smile, your kid looks very cute.


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