A Jaunt to Garden Fever

Last weekend, I took a drive into proper Portland and visited the much discussed garden shop called 'Garden Fever' in NE PDX.

Look, for the past eight years, I lived in the boonies. There was one decent nursery/shop in a neighboring town but the truth is, it just didn't have the deep gardening flavor I craved and there certainly weren't fun gardeners to chat with.

Many of the Portland area garden bloggers have mentioned (or rather raved) about this shop, so, it was on my must visit list now that I'm so much closer. And, visiting an actual 'garden store' was quite exciting to me.

The view approaching the store
 On my shopping list were seeds. The hubster had been complaining about all my recent plant purchases. So, I thought..ah ha! I can start seeds.  And look what a fantastic selection I found.

Shelves and shelves of seeds. Most of which were from Pacific Northwest seed companies. Double like.

Of course I ventured to the outdoors and checked their plant selection.

I was impressed with the selection. I expected a more cramped shopping experience with less choices of plans due to the urban setting but I was happily wrong. What's more, most of the plants that I saw for sale were from growers right here in the Willamette Valley. I really appreciated their local emphasis.

What I enjoyed the most was the interior of the store. Gardening books and journals creatively displayed, and fun garden art and whimsy, placed to inspire and delight.

Most of my gardening book purchases in the past, have been made via Amazon, completely void of the joy of browsing and leafing through reading material. I was a contented gal in this store, meandering around all the books, and I found a lovely moleskin gardening journal and a concise guide to gardening in our maritime climate to bring home with me.

It was an enjoyable shopping experience. I found the prices of their perennials to be very reasonable. (I might have brought a few home, much to the hubster's dismay! ;).

I simply just enjoyed being surrounded by all things garden during my little impromptu visit.

Cheers, Jenni

P.S. This post was not sponsored or reviewed by Garden Fever. I went on my own accord and here offer my personal views of this garden store. All of my purchases were on my own dime :)


  1. That looks like a great place! I hope you have great success with your seeds.

  2. Looks like a fabulous store, a place you could daydream in!!!

  3. I feel very lucky to have Garden Fever very close by, not only is it a great place to run to in a gardening emergency (need gloves, or grit, or a grevillea) but it's also the perfect place for a little inspiration...

    1. DG, I could have spent hours wandering the neighborhoods around Garden Fever. I've never spent much time in that area and I was enamored with the darling homes and the fact that the majority of the homes had interesting and well kept gardens to boot!

  4. Such places are dangerous - a serious threat to the health of your bank balance!

  5. Garden Fever has the best tomatoes, too.

  6. I guess living near lots of garden centres make us take them forgranted. WE crave the small independent retailer that just sells good quality plants. Our garden centres are like department stores.

    1. Hi Sue, one of the things I love about the Portland, Oregon area, is that there is an emphasis and support of small business. Stores like Garden Fever thrive. Sure, we have national big box stores, but I like you, I would rather support a small business.

  7. What a nice garden shop. Hope you do well with your seeds.

    Happy Gardening ~ FlowerLady

  8. I'm glad you found such a nice garden store. Inspiration seems to ooze out of their front entrances! Although I do agree with the comment above, it can be dangerous.

  9. Simply beautiful colours...lovely!

  10. Thanks for this fun tour Jenni! I've heard so much about Garden Fever & next time I go to Portland, I'll definitely visit! On the complaining hubster front, could you start a collection of pots among which new purchases could be hidden? If you plant things right away and hubby remarks, you can simply say, "Oh that's been there for a year!" or "You're just noticing now? That was there when we moved in." Soon he'll think that he's just not as observant as he used to be. You can assure him by saying that it happens to all of us with age and that he can depend on you to help him through. Soon he'll be even more grateful to you and maybe avoid making plant purchase comments for fear that he might be wrong.

  11. Good tips from outlawgardener! I just love going to garden centres but I try not to buy... although I usually buy some wee thing.

  12. When they put a toll on the new bridge, you will be a major contributor now that you've discovered Garden Fever.

  13. Jenni--how wonderful! Garden Fever is a treasure. Did the poetry boxes tempt you at all?

    And outlawgardener, you are diabolical...I like that about you!

    1. Yes! I went there looking for the boxes and found not a one to be had! I am determined to set up one in my front yard. They had a display box, but, clearly I am going to have to return to acquire one :)

  14. Hi there! wanted to introduce myself and hope that you will come over to Fishtail Cottage's garden party and share a gardening post some time? Love meeting knew gardeners! xoxo,tracie


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