May Garden To Do's

My May To Do Gardening List. Not Necessarily in the Proper Order

  • Finish clearing out sun and shade perennial gardens of weeds & wood hyacinths
  • Arrange remaining perennials to be planted
  • Map out the new beds
  • Line new beds with border stones
  • Build 4 new raised vegetable beds, fill with soil
  • Plant tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, squash, watermelon
  • Start Basil seeds outdoors in mini green house
  • Fertilize Strawberries
  • Kill Slugs
  • Work out non-surviving plants from front beds and replace
  • Pot new clematis and place
  • Purchase mulch mats for new conifers 
  • Add compost to new raised veggie boxes
  • Plant beneficial flowers under and around tomatoes
  • Begin work on digging out new Winter Interest garden

I think I can accomplish this! Settling into a new house and gardens is always hard at first but if the jobs are done right, then the enjoyment lasts for ages to come.

The shade gardens are progressing along nicely
Cheers, Jenni


  1. Lots to do, but I know you'll have fun getting your list checked off. Your shade garden does look pretty!

  2. That's one ambitious list Jenni but I know you'll accomplish every item on it! The shade gardens, a.k.a. Truckview are looking very nice!

  3. What do you fertilize your strawberries with? I have a bunch of the ones you brought to the swap, and they are flowering like crazy. They're in potting soil, and not in the ground though.

    That is quite a list! It's true, gardens are a lot of work at first, but a good foundation makes the next few years easier.

  4. Ah I remember those lists...had one last spring for our first year here. Threw it away because I never got it all done.

    Suddenly it goes from cold, to hot here, and last year the mosquitoes were so bad all day, all night. This year I am still working on last years projects, but that's OK. It's all getting done in good time.

    Your garden is lovely.


  5. That's a lot of stuff to do. Good luck! Is that a flowering Philadelphus tree I see in your shade garden?

  6. Have fun with your new gardens!!

  7. So what are you gong to do next week? :)

  8. Don't pressure yourself to get it all done right now. I'm finding that always having projects ahead of me is part of the FUN of having a new house and yard.

  9. Don't forget to put a little bit of lazy time on that list.

  10. Your shade garden is looking lovely...sit enjoy !!!


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