June Blooms 2013

Oh goodness, I'm a bit late for the monthly garden bloggers bloom day. Nonetheless, I'll share what has been bursting with color in my gardens during the glorious month of June.

Brilliant Asiatic Lily

Sweet June. Here in the Willamette Valley, we alternate between gorgeous sunshine and heavy downpours. It's a mixed bag, weather wise.

The rain has it's benefits. Bountiful crops of berries and fruits, vegetable gardens that strengthen and set blooms ahead of the dry summer months. Thus far, June has been very kind to my blooming flowers.

Ann Folkard, hardy geranium hybrid
Verbena, gracing a pot of annual color in the front yard
Endless Summer Blue Hydrangea 
Euphorbia Blackbird in bloom. 
Pink Lupine

In the photo above, you can see the first spring of my new front flower beds. I've been pleased with my plant choices. They have grown and matured nicely.

Yarrow is a fabulous plant for butterfly and waterwise gardens.

More lilies bursting forth with color! I love using asiatic lilies for late spring color.

A few lingering Aquilegia. Gifts from Alison.

And as I keep digging, expanding and planting in the back flower beds, I have a few blooms to flaunt.

Astrantia (darn it I've lost the tag so I don't know which type..lol)
Jacob's Ladder Polemonium

And, what cottage style house would be complete without a window box full of geraniums?


Happy June Blooms!

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Your front garden is looking beautiful.

    Hot summer months - what are they - seems ages since we had any!

  2. Wow ~ I love your flowers. They make me feel happy. I'm sure your new gardens make you very happy.

    Enjoy and happy summer ~ FlowerLady

  3. Your garden is looking great and lovely colours. I really like the verbena colouring. I like the yarrow too. So many plants, so little time (to collect them all).

  4. Just beautiful! Let's hope this good weather continues. It's already starting to get uncomfortably hot in my area.

  5. Beautiful! My first lily is just starting to open.

  6. Beautiful, beautiful flowers, Jenni! My goodness, you have really transformed that Front Bed. It looks so well-established already.

  7. Many nice photos, but especially that shot of the blue hydrangea. You do a good job of celebrating June.

  8. I love that pink Columbine. I bought it this year and I'm letting it and a similar one go to seed so I'll have lots of blossoms next year. Such a pretty thing. Your front garden looks absolutely lovely.


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