A Maturing Flower Garden

Summer has flown by. There is never a dull moment in my new flower gardens. Weeding is my middle name. The results of my hard work are beginning to show themselves. Below is a photo essay of my newly created flower garden, as it matures into it's first season.

I've been delighted with how the plants are growing together. It takes such restraint not to cram more plants in the bed, but I hope that by giving them the proper space, they will become more robust and fill in even more next year.

Creating my new gardens has taken a tremendous amount of time this spring and summer. But, as I sit in my wicker chairs and enjoy the buzzing hum of the bee's in the setting sunlight, I think to myself, it has been quite worth the effort.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. A beautiful cottage garden, crammed pack with wonderful, happy and colorful blooms. You've done great for your first year Jenni.


  2. It's beautiful! You've done such a good job, and your hard work is paying off. BTW, is that the Dahlia I gave you?

    1. Hi Alison, no that's not the one you gave me. Your is more of an orange ball bloom. I've gotten some nice pics of it, but haven't had time to actually blog! The dahlia you gave me is gorgeous too!

  3. It looks really lovely and I'm sure the bees love you for it!

  4. You garden looks fabulous, Jenny! Of course, I'm in love with that Pennisetum...is it Pennisetum spathiolatum? It adds a perfect touch of texture and "lightness" to your planting :-)

    1. Scott, you are spot on, it's Spathiolatum. I adore it! And, I'm chopping at the bit to have my other grasses grow! They are going to be spectacular :)

  5. I think we all share the same middle name. In a garden I visited Sunday where the borders were jam packed, the gardener said weeding was hardly an issue, so there is hope. What a wonderful exuberance you have engineered.

  6. Just plain beautiful. I love the last shot. Your colors are great. I can't believe it is the first year. Things look like they are flourishing.

  7. Simply gorgeous! You are wise to give your plants space as they will fill in even more. Your hard work sure has paid off!

  8. What beautiful plants intermingled together!

  9. Beautiful. I started a new bed this year too.I am learning how to group plants together.I can't believe this is your first year, a lot of love in this garden. Very well done..Thank you for the plants list, I am copying from it.....


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