Sun Flower Garden Progress

A year ago, as we worked to move into this historic, old house, I was looking at this space in my backyard with hope. I knew the history, how my husbands great-grandparents had built beautiful flower gardens, complete with spring flowering trees, and those gardens had been remembered fondly by many members of the now, elder generations.

Backyard, spring of 2012
When we moved in, the focus had to be on the interior of the house. The back sat and waited.

This spring, I started to dig out these old, forgotten and neglected flower beds. I was determined to bring the beauty of this space back to life.

Spring 2012.  The work begins
The work was hard. Digging out by hand the 20' x 10' space into a 20' x 17' space was quite the project. I wanted to reduce the amount invasive bulbs and clean out the weeds, which were thick and sometimes unwilling to budge.

Spring 2013, Work in progress
I dug and dug and dug. Turing the soil, shaking out clumps of buttercups, trying to save as much soil as I could. The weeds and such, I wheel-barrowed to the back of the property where I used the sod and weeds to create a berm that I will cover with black tarp and let sit for a year or two.After it's good and cooked, I'll have new soil for additional flower beds. Nothing goes to waste.

My vision for this new sun flower garden, was to create a haven for butterflies and bee's, using water wise plants, with a mix of grasses for winter interest.

Newly planted and starting to grow June 2013.
As summer has warmed the earth, I have been fascinated by how well my new little garden has been growing.

I'll be thrilled when my clumping bamboo really takes off and creates the 'green fence' I so desperately need along the old fenceline. My husband has been told to cut the lovely, leaning, old, metal, clothe's line out. It's partner has long been gone on the other side.

July 2013
And now, a few blooms are beginning on my infant plants. I am jumping for joy.

Here are some of the plants growing in this new sun garden:

Agastache Golden Jubilee, Globetrotter, Apricot Sprite
Rudbeckia Autumn Colors
Echinacea Little Annie, PowWow Wildberry, Double Decker, Sombrero Hot Coral, Cheyenne Spirit
Lavender, Spanish & French
Cape Fuchsia, pink, peach, dark pink
Dahlia, 4 varieties
Blaze Little Bluestem Grass
Copper Sedge
Feather Reed Grass
Wind Grass
Sirocco Stipa
Oat Grass
Penniseturn Spatheolatum (grass)
Lemon Balm
Buddelia, Orange Ball Tree
Lace Leaf, Japanese Maple
Gaillardia, Arizona Red
Lambs Ear
Sea Holly
Verbena Bonariesis 'lollipop'
Alstroernia 'Butterscotch' Inca Lilly
Trachellum Caerleum, Floss Flower
Shasta Daisy

Wow, that's quite a list and it's not complete! I can't wait until these plants are mature, full and lush. I am excited to watch the grasses sway in the wind and the bee's and butterflies dance on the blooms.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. All that hard work is paying off! It looks beautiful...good job!!

  2. It will just all get better and better.

    Did you follow an old plan for the garden - a sort of renovation project - or are the beds where you wanted them.

    1. Hi Sue,
      I dug out the original beds and I've expanded them, towards the back of the property. I am planning / planting the back of the beds with dwarf conifers and other shrubs to create a natural boarder between parts of the yard.

  3. Fantastic ...It looks great and so many lovely plants to keep those bees happy .

  4. I've been wondering how your garden is doing. I'm so thrilled to hear and see that you have flowers! Next year and the year after it will be even more lush. And if there are any more holes, I'll probably have more plants to help you fill them.

    1. Do you know which plants are just bursting at the seams? The Agastache Golden Jubilee and they are beginning to flower, bringing bee's! I'm so happy. I'll have room for more of your goodies!

  5. It is looking really lovely Jenni :) T.

  6. That cast of characters should keep you jumping for joy for the foreseeable future...and the bouquets!

  7. I love it! Beautiful selection of flowers and plants. :-)

  8. All your hard work is going to pay off and the garden will be lush and lovely, I can hardly wait to see when the plants mature.

  9. Looking great! Before your husband gets rid of the metal clothesline, could it be used to hang some wonderful but heavy piece of yard art? Maybe a huge ornate bird cage, bird feeder or wind chime? Maybe you could get Ricki to make you a cool banner.

  10. Congratulations, Jenni, on all that you've accomplished (A LOT!) in transforming your home & garden into your family's own haven!

  11. It's clear you've put so much work into this bed and it looks AWESOME.


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