Chilly Winter Views

We've been blasted by arctic air here in the Pacific Northwest. We are known for our drizzly, gray, winters, where sipping coffee is a regional pastime. So, the past week of sub freezing temps has been a shock to our systems and gardening landscapes.

Today, the icy grip is breaking, but as a warmer weather front moves in, the cold air is not leaving without a show.

Freezing fog created a dynamic display this morning.

Off the main freeway, called I-5, I snapped this shot heading home from work. The freezing fog was actually 'snowing'. It was gorgeous, but treacherous for driving.

N. Wilsonville, Oregon

At the small nursery/coffee shop where I work in the mornings, I snapped a pic of our Mexican Feather Grass coated by the freezing fog. My blogging buddy Grace said it best "Looks like fireworks".

Mexican Feather Grass
After I returned home from work, I grabbed my 'real' camera (i.e. not the iPhone) and headed down to the nearby park along the Willamette River to capture some winter scenes.

Willamette Park, West Linn, Oregon
You can see how the freezing fog dipped down to the tree tops and iced the foliage.

Ok, Scott..what type of grass is this? :)

Freezing fog coating of ice

Frozen Branches
I hoped you enjoyed a look at our freezing fog. All of my plant loving friends in the PDX area are applauding the return of above freezing temps. We will be counting our plant losses in the weeks ahead. But, for today, the freeze was gorgeous. Nature is a wonder.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. So beautiful, Jenny...I'm way jealous of you...we had nothing even close to that at our place! I believe that grass is a Miscanthus :-)

    1. Ah ha! That was my first guess (but I did not research it). Maybe I am starting to figure out these grasses?!

  2. I was betting on Miscanthus as well. I am so glad we didn't get any freezing fog here, although you never know what we'll get tonight when the temps go down a bit. I am hoping it stays above freezing now that it's raining. You got some very pretty pictures, especially that first one of the river.

  3. You captured it all so well Jenni, beautiful snaps! Must say I am very glad you saw it though, and not me. Nothing like that up here.

  4. Wonderful job capturing this beauty for us. Love your photos!

  5. Beautiful images, especially for one who's preparing for another horrid summer. That top photo is simply stunning.

  6. Such a beautiful icy pictures! Nature is indeed wonderful, I understand your winters are usually not so cold?

  7. Thanks for letting us see the beauty without having to actually experience it.

  8. That cold stuff looks nicer than it feels! Looks like coffee sales will be booming...


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