High Summer Blooms GBBD July 2014

I'm fresh off the Portland Garden Blogger's Fling and feeling so inspired. I can't wait to dive into my photographs and prepare posts to share with you.

But until then, I'll share what is blooming in my garden this mid - July.

It is the peak of color in my gardens. Rudbeckia and echinacea rule the color palette.

Indian Summer Rudbecka with Ann Folkhard hardy geranium
Chocolate Joe Pye Weed 'Eupatorium Rugosum', Purple Coneflower ' Echinacea purpurea'

I am happiest in high summer with blooms all around me. Last night I was floating in our 'kiddie pool' and I watched humming birds drink from the Cape Fuchsias in the golden evening light. The bee's lazily hopped from plant to plant and the ornamental grasses swayed gently in the breeze. It was almost as if time has come to a stop after such a busy past few weeks. These are the moments that I design my gardens for.

Rudbeckia Goldstrum with Echinacea Wildberry Powwow and  White Swan in the back ground

Golden Jublee Agastache

Echinacea purpurea
Bravo to July in the garden. I've found my little slice of happiness.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Your garden looks beautiful ! Happy belated birthday ; and hurry up and post those Fling photos , so I can see what I missed ;)

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Mark, I swear..and edible update post is coming soon! I am happy, busy and happy!

  3. Oh boy, those rudbeckias are so full of sunshine, they could blind you! ;) Just gorgeous. Are they perennial or annual?

    1. Hi Diane, Those rudbeckias are perennials. They handle the cold fine, but it's the slugs that can really decimate them in the spring. They are the hardest plants to keep alive because of the slugs.

    2. Oh, I 've noticed some holes in my leaves as well (mine look a little different, so that's why I asked). Now I know it's probably slugs here too. They just make annoying holes, but the flowers still come up here. Cheers!

    3. Funny, I did just pick up some 'annual' rudbeckias and they look similar to the 'Indian' summer, perennial variety. Slugs and snails do the most leaf damage for me. I've not tried the annuals before so I thought I would this year. I'll keep my eye on your blog to see what types you are growing :)

  4. That top photo is beautiful, those colours sing of summer.

  5. I agree with you, the garden in summer is the happiest place to be. The beautiful combination of the chocolate coloured Eupatoriums and the Echinaceas on the second picture is just great, and nice to see you have a Phygelius (Cape Fuchsia) on the background.
    Wish you happy gardening!

  6. Glorious. I can't wait to see your posts from the Fling!

  7. Looks so summery and vibrant. That's my kind of garden! Love all those pollinator attracting flowers. :o)

  8. Your garden is looking fab. Hope the event goes well.


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