When Life Throws You A Wind Storm.....

Make fresh fir bough bouquets!

We didn't get the snow here in Portland as was forecasted mid-week, and the hashtags #nosnow #pdx were flying on twitter to smack the local weather forecasters around. (I was personally hoping for a bit of the white stuff, but I recognize I was in the minority.)

We did get strong east winds, sleet and chilly temps. Those east winds howling out of the Columbia Gorge caused a lot of fallen tree debris around my neighborhood. Many of us Portland area gardeners raced around our homes to bring inside tender plants and provide protection to those that had to remain outside.

After the wind died down, my kids and I collected fallen fir boughs around the yard, trimmed them up and created some festive autumn bouquets.

Ahhh yes, indoor picture taking is not my thing...lol

So, despite the lack of white stuff, we had fun creating something out of the storm.

Happy Autumn!

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Most of my fir boughs ended up in my yard waste container. The rest are still out there waiting to be picked up. Maybe I'll see what I can make with them. Both of your autumn bouquets are wonderfully festive, even the simple one with just boughs and cones.

  2. Oh I love the cones on the second one! I also love to see someone making use of the "debris" fallen to the ground.

    1. I was pretty excited to find a bough with all those pine cones on it.

  3. Beautiful arrangements!!! Great idea!!

  4. Do you usually have snow at this time of year?

  5. No, we don't normally get snow this time of year in the lowlands, in the mountains, yes. It was quite a media weather storm over changing predictions, ranging from rain, sleet, freezing rain and snow.

  6. Very pretty! Wish I would think to do that! The freeze has fried everything that was pretty and fallish around here.

  7. A very good idea, and just think of all the money you saved by gathering them up, and not buying them from a store.

    At least you didn't get all the snow that those places in NY got...brrrr.


  8. Gosh, just reading your post made me feel chilly! have you had any snow at all yet ? We have hardly even had a frost here in the uk ... I will whisper that very quietly in case the weather gods are listening !!

  9. Super cozy arrangement! I wanted to ask you where to find a vintage candlestick like yours? thanks! :)

    1. Hi Robert, I found it on Etsy! It's Gregorian copper. I bet you could keep an eye out on eBay too. I'm on the hunt for a few more. It's really beautiful.


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