A Box of Trees on my Doorstep!

I arrived home to find a big box, full of baby trees, on my front porch. I've been waiting with great anticipation for this parcel to be delivered.

Baby Japanese maples and dwarf conifers. A girl couldn't be happier!

Chubby and Demon cat investigating my order from Conifer Kingdom

I unloaded the box and set the trees upright. The cats quickly swarmed the mini forest. (haha)

These baby trees have been moved to the cover of my garage for the next day or two while we endure an early, winter, weather spell to the Pacific Northwest. Our first freeze, with winds gusting up to 60 mph, and possible freezing rain on Thursday. Yikes..but, well, it's pretty minor compared to a lot of states in the interior USA.

These trees are part of my five year plan to fix up my back yard and create an intimate, private and calming space. Because I am a gardener on a budget (having little kids will do that to a person) I know my project will get accomplished bit by bit, however, it is unlikely that I will be able to afford mature Japanese Maples. So, I'm opting to get creative and place them in containers to grow and offer pretty diversions around the back yard while my larger plan comes to fruition. Then, their permanent homes will be ready.

Well, a girls gotta dream anyway.

Here's what plants I received:
Acer shirasawanum 'Autumn Moon'  
Acer palmatum 'Ariadne'
Acer shirasawanum 'Moonrise
'Acer palmatum 'Mikazuki'
Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Melody
Picea orientalis 'Ferny Creek Prostrate'

What is your five year garden plan?

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Congrats on your score, Jennifer. They will look beautiful in your garden. I know what you mean about children. When my kids were growing up, I didn't do nearly as much in the garden. We have to keep our priorities in order, right? Because I've lived and gardened here for 17 years, I don't have a five year plan. However I'm always looking ahead to next year. I've got another area I want to revamp, hopefully this winter or maybe in the spring, depending on the weather. I hope the weather doesn't get too terrible. I sure don't want a repeat of last year. :) Happy Veterans' Day.

    1. Grace, I think that having a maturing garden like yours is awesome! I love looking at pictures of your garden and it's lush and full nature. It's what I'm trying to build.

  2. My 'five year plans' happen mostly while my back is turned. It always surprises me when those baby trees (I always start small too) are suddenly a major presence in the landscape.

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing how those develop. When I moved into my present property in 1991 I planted two trees in my garden, one of which is a Bronze Maple. It was a 6-foot sapling about 2 inches in diameter when I planted it, and now it is huge! It's lovely to think that I planted that tree which now provides welcome shade in the Summer and a huge supply of leaves for making leaf-mould!

  4. Great choices! I look forward to watching your garden mature. In five years, I hope to have a garden that feels somewhat complete and doesn't require a major summer project. :)

  5. I love acers and it us lovely watching a baby tree grow into a fully mature one - much more satisfying,

  6. I'm a sucker for Japanese Maples. I have two now. I must stop there, because I have to overwinter them in the garage and my husband has told me his pickup stays in the garage. You have made some beautiful choices.

  7. You're a smart lady to plan now for the future, which of course will be here faster than we're ready for. Heck Clifford was about that size when he went in the ground and look at him now! To be honest I'm not sure what I, or my garden, will be up to in 5-years, I've never been any good at planning.

  8. Oooh, I can't wait to see your trees fully grown in your garden! :) My five years plan is....enjoying the garden the way my husband makes it :) I love plants, but I can't really grow them... :(


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