Insanely warmish Winter..start that Veggie garden early!

Technically, it's still winter here in the Pacific Northwest. However, it felt like spring started at the beginning of February. We are running on average, 10 degrees higher than average. We've only had a bit of rainfall making for an exceptionally dry winter.
It's been frighteningly warm here in northwest Oregon.

I took a leap of faith and began transplanting shrubs in early February. I would have never attempted that until late March to mid April in the past. It has just been SO mild.

This weekend, I felt a bit of a panic in that I had not sown lettuce or spinach in the raised garden beds. And goodness, I had not cleaned out the boxes from last year! (the horrors!!) I rallied the family troops to get the work done today.

Future Gardeners of America:

Of course once their dad got the wood chipper running, their interest in helping mom quickly waned....

I have got to plant bushes along the fence line. 
I mean, who can compete with loud mechanical equipment?

Tomorrow the lettuce, spinach, beets and onions will be sown. The sweet pea's were sown a few weeks ago. Potatoes are already pumping out new baby potatoes and over-wintering onions are fat and ready to be pulled out.

The vegetable garden area is getting closer to being prepped and ready
I took the time to map out my vegetable garden on paper this year and to keep track of last year's garden so that I can rotate crops. I'm excited because this year, I am going to indulge in saving one of my boxes for cut flowers.

Raspberry canes are budding with new foliage
Next up, thinning the strawberries, adding compost and sowing seeds in mini green houses. I feel like I am a month early.


I am.

My condolences to gardening friends still snow locked. Surely, spring bulbs are just around the corner for you!

Cheers, Jenni


  1. I have transplanted dormant shrubs in February in the past -- actually, I've done it in January too -- and they've thrived. Love this post with the images of the kids helping! This has been a crazy winter.

  2. Well, I hope your early start pays off. We had a mild Winter too, but not crazy-mild. Our weather is notorious for its fickleness, and I'm going by instinct, not temperature readings.


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