Spring Emerges

It was a happy day yesterday, the sun was out after days of unrelenting rain. I had a chance to walk about the gardens and look for signs that spring is emerging.

I found some pretty things, signs of life and some furry friends in the garden.

Autumn Joy Sedum
All three sedums are beginning to form rosettes. I have three varieties in one pot. They make the most brilliant display in September through the fall.

Blue Lady helleborus
 All of the hellebores are blooming, save my white 'Snow Frills' (it's a late bloomer...). Since I've become addicted to hellebores, I will say that my outlook towards winter gardening has changed....for the positive. The winter garden is no longer drab and dreary, but alive and colorful with frilly blooms.

Double painted helleborus

Pink Frost helleborus
I am excited for all my hellebores to spread their roots and gain some girth! Imagine, big fat clumps of glorious color during the rainy season to carry me through the winter gloomy months.

Daphne odora 'Zuiko Nishiki
The spicy scent of the daphne is divine; it smacks me right in the nose as I wander, like a breath of summer.

Sometimes one finds a fuzzy beast in their wanderings.

heirloom camilla, name unknown
Winter roses sometimes come from trees....beautiful heirloom camilla trees. Our house still has the original camilla that was likely planted in the 1930's. It has the most perfectly symmetrical petals. I never thought that I would find such beauty in winter.

Pieris japonica 'Scarlett O'Hara

Pieris japonica 'Valley Valentine'

The Pieris is beginning to bloom and the early bee's are thankful. It's the bumbles that are out just now, when the temperature is warm enough. They lumber through the air like big B-52 airplanes.

Spring is around the corner. I just know it.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. It is indeed just around the corner! I've been walking in my garden (can't do any more than that), and there are so many signs of buds breaking. It's both heartening and frightening for me, I fear I'll never catch up this year. I need to take some pictures and put together a blog post.

  2. Lovely photos, but that fuzzy beast of yours takes the cake. What amazing eyes! Happy spring, Jenni!

  3. Your hellebores will probably spread seed too - ours have.

  4. Your furry friend looks a little cross, but I've always loved that Miles Davis glare. Enjoyed your walkabout and all it revealed.

  5. Silver Cat is getting fat! (And stroppy, by the look on his face). What type of birds are those in your last photo?

    1. Hi Mark, your comment gave me a giggle. Yes..Demon is fat. It's embarrassing. Over the Christmas holiday, I watched that cute commercial about 'Mog' the cat and I immediately thought of my fat Demon cat. The birds are called Bush Tits..they are founds in flocks of 15+. They are petite birds...very sweet.


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