Images of Spring from my Garden

We've had two glorious days of sunshine, right before the Spring Equinox. Otherwise, it has been rain. I fear I'm developing web feet as I slosh about outside. March in the PNW = mud.

Nevertheless, when the sun did come out, it was glorious. Aside from the rain, the temperatures have been mild, enticing many plants to emerge early. 

Here is what is blooming in my garden:

Pear blossoms

Euphorbia rigida

Old fashioned lilac's
Euphorbia characias ssp. wulfenii

Ribes sanguineum 'King Edward VII'

Bleeding hearts have become my favorite plant in March.  The fronds emerge with a look like something out of a science fiction novel, but they are soft and gentle to the touch. I need to add more to my collection

Dicentra spectabilis 'gold heart'

Dicentra spectabilis
The hellebore's continue to amaze me with their extended bloom time. I still find new blooms on plants that first produced their showy wares in early November. 

Helleborus 'Blue Lady'
And finally, a shrub that can keep on growing...I just love it.
Kerria japonica 'Pleniflora'
I'm so delighted to see my little garden grow and mature each year. My garden makes this home. 

Happy Spring!


  1. And it's always a pleasure to visit your home, whether digitally or in person.

  2. Lovely sunny spring pictures of your garden and as I see you are ahead of our spring. Looking forward to all the slowly opening buds.
    Wish you a lot of fun in the garden for what would we be without garden.
    Regards, Janneke

  3. Happy Spring , Jennifer…I'm told it will be in the 70's next week ?

  4. Your garden is looking good, Jenni. I got to enjoy last week's sunshine too, out in the garden.

  5. My lilacs are just leafing out so flowers are still a few weeks away. But when they do bloom the windows they are planted next to will be open so they can fill the house with their fragrance. Gorgeous photos! :o)


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