5.4.16 Wednesday Vignette

I'm in-between coaching soccer seasons, so I was able to wander the gardens tonight in hopes of finding a picture perfect vignette to share. The lupines I started from seed are just beginning to bloom. They look like tapered candles reaching high up to illuminate the garden. I love the color combination this lupine has sitting in front of the euphorbia.

Lupinus Russell Hybrids with Rainboow Ascot Euphorbia
A pretty little look at my cottage gardens. Join Anna at Flutter & Hum for more Wednesday Vignette posts.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. I love it! Plus, I'm so impressed that you can grow lupines. I gave up on them.

  2. That's a beautiful combo, Jenni! And the lighting is perfect!

  3. It's a gorgeous combination! I've never had luck with the Russell hybrids but I've now got a perennial lupine (Lupinus propinquus) taking over a bed so I'm contenting myself with that.

  4. Yes to all of the above. I would add that the perfect composition of your photo is truly drool-worthy.

  5. I always wonder why you guys call these things "Lupines" and we call then "Lupins"! They are very beautiful plants whatever you call them though. Did you know that in many parts of Europe they are grown as a food crop? Imagine the colour of the fields!

  6. I wanted to loopings last year but it seems that only one has survived. I love the colour of yours.


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