Summer Rain

It's been a mild summer here in northwest Oregon, which I am all for after the past few years of horribly hot summers.  We had rain overnight and it made for pretty picture taking this morning. Join me on a walk around the Rainy Day Gardens...

Juncus patens 'Blue Rush'
Agastache 'Apricot Sprite'
I think summer rain is the most delightful. The colors of the garden are vivid and yet softened at the same time. The smell of summer rain in the garden is my favorite; sweet beyond comparison.

Panicum 'Shenandoah'

The grasses have begun to ripen with color and the faintest of seed heads is emerging from the panicums, my favorite of ornamental grasses.

The coneflowers look drenched, but it was only a soft mist when I walked about the gardens this morning.

echinacea 'Purple Coneflower'
rudbeckia and helenium
Rudbecka 'Little Henry'
The trees where happy for the moisture. I have not been watering as regularly as I should be. 

Coral Bark Japanese Maple 
Louie, White Pine
Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana 'Blue Surprise'
Even plants that don't quite need a summer drink seemed refreshed.

Calluna vulgaris 'Firefly'
Euphorbia rigida
Verbena bonariensis
I really loved how the petals of verbena bonariensis caught the raindrops and held onto them. They look like little cups of glass.

The rain showers are over and while it will be cooler today, tradional summer weather arrives soon. For now, I'll enjoy the moisture on the plants with a warm coffee in hand. 

Cheers, Jenni


  1. they're all nice photos, but the verbena one is fabulous, an award-winner if i were giving the awards. after nice spring rains, we've been mostly dry here (although not as dry as other spots in the region), and my bonariensis stalks are just starting to get tall, so no blooms likely for a while. luckily i like the accents it creates in my beds, as it's nowhere near where it was originally planted several years ago, lol. --suz in ohio

    1. Hi Suz, thanks for the compliment on my photos :) It took me a couple of years to get seedlings from my Verbena B. but, I am getting them now and am having fun transplating all around the gardens.

  2. That Verbena shot is amazing. We could do with some rain here, unlikely as that may seem!

  3. I am enjoying this cooler, rainy summer so much! I haven't hauled a single sprinkler around yet. I love that Verbena shot!

  4. I agree that raindrops on plants are photogenic but when summer rain is like winter rain you soon tire of it.

  5. Everything looks grand. It is hard to get any rain shots here, as it has been so dry. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Beautiful photos! Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  7. What a wonderful opportunity to reinforce your choice of names for your blog. We rain lovers are true Oregonians, but not all of us can take such swell photos.


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