The Autumn Garden

The air is getting that sweet fall, crisp, texture...and it's not just me who can smell the change.

Demon Cat
Some of the summer blooms are on their last leg, but they still get regular visits from the hummingbirds and the bee's.

Verbena bonariensis and Douglas aster
One last flush of yarrow...

Summervine Yarrow
And the fuchsia's keep pumping out delicious blooms...Even though the fiesty Rufus hummingbirds are getting ready to depart on their journey south, the Anna hummingbirds stick around all year and love drinking from the cape fuchsia's.

Phygelius 'Funfare Wine'
Phygelius 'Passionate'
Fall means....chrysanthemum's and who said they have to be boring? This vibrant lime green color is bringing back the chrysanthemum. (I know, I know...I'm reaching here..)

My mums are from a local box store. I love them. They come back every year and bloom 2x. Here is the white mum opening up for it's second blooming period.

And what about those impulse buy, box store asters from a few years ago....well they are going strong, four years later.

Now, I love to purchase native plants and/or plants that support some of the incredible local nurseries in our area. But, sometimes I succumb to impulse buys.....

What about grasses in the fall? I have a love affair with panicums. Can you see why? Look at this array of color!

Panicum 'Shenandoah'
And what about those fall staples...
The anemones are so beautiful. I need more. So. many. more. It took two years for me to get both varieties to bloom but now they are colonizing and pumping out these incredible blooms. I think they liked the more 'vintage' summer weather we had. 

Anemome 'September Charm'

Anomone 'Honorine Jobert'

And what about the show stoppers of my fall garden? Hardy hibicus. They are such fascinating blooms. They always generate questions and comments from people walking by. I have a mind to add another..(ya know, when this moves there and that gets re-homed, so on and so forth...)

Hibiscus moscheutos 'Jazzberry Jam'
Who could resist oogling at dinner plate sized blooms?

Hibicus moscheutos 'Pink Cloud'
Finally, here are some pictures of my garden as it transitions to autumn.

Ah...this is where you'll fine me..after soccer practices or work. I love listening to the birds in autumn. This is the perfect spot.

Any autumn blooms you think I should investigate for my own garden? Let me know and Happy Fall!!
Cheers, Jenni


  1. I love Panicums too! You have some beautiful colors still going strong in your garden. I really should plant some Phygelius. I have two enormous Fuchsia magellanica that are so drought tolerant I never have to water them, but I like Phygelius too, and the hummers will love it as well.

    1. Hi Alison, some varities of phygelius can be thugs...but the hummers love them so much. Devil's Tears is quite prolific, while Passionate and the Funfare lines have been calmer and easier to contain. They have also been good without a lot of water.

  2. I love Hibiscus so much. They're such fantastic plants, in bloom or not. Do you grow dahlias? They didn't like that really hot weather but they're happy now. And then there's the hardy fuchsias. But then there's those comfy chairs you've got and the birds and a nice breeze. I think your garden is perfect.

    1. Hi Grace, I fully intend to add those drought tolerant hardy fuchsias in the next phase of my garden. I had one at my old house and I miss it!!

  3. We're not done with blooms yet are we, magnificent show! I'm a newcomer to panicums, planted a few this year. Now I'm wondering how I ever managed without them.

  4. We don't get many opportunities for sitting outside once this time of year comes round, but if we did, I'd like somewhere as peaceful and relaxing as that place of yours!

  5. Oh, those Panicums - love them! If I were you, I'd be hanging out in that wonderful seating area every spare moment, if I was surrounded by such beauty - your garden looks fantastic! And yes, I too, love that crisp, autumn air!

  6. Oh Jenni, your garden and home have undergone such an awesome transformation since you've moved in. Autumn air is wonderful. It's a great time of year! If only we could go straight from New Year's Day to mid March, I'd love autumn even more!

    1. Peter, I do agree..but then I think about all the wonderful and horrible longing and planning that takes places during our wet, winter months. I love the lead up and anticipation of mid-March.

  7. I love chrysanthemums for late flowering. They make excellent cut flowers too. The ones that we have on the plot started life as pot mums.

  8. What a fabulous spot to sit and enjoy all that beauty!

  9. it is also for the beauty that they add to your surroundings and the growing plants emit a wonderful fragrances in the air that you breathe.
    usefull post


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