Winter Blooms and Foliage in my Oregon Garden

Icy and snowy weather has befallen the Pacific Northwest. It brings beauty to the garden and horror to the freeways as folks in these parts just don't know how to drive in the snow.  We do not get snow frequently enough in the Willamette Valley to become good at navigating it on the roads.

I've been homebound a few days with the kiddos (the perks of working for a school district) and have had time to snap some pictures of snowy garden scenes. While I think I have a nice selection of winter blooming plants, I have many on my list to get. The Anna hummingbird stays around all year and I want to provide more natural nectar for those cute little things.

Here is my garden in winter.

I seriously love this plant. I love photographing it all year as it changes color. Right now, this summer blooming heath has pink tipped foliage and the dried blooms add creamy charm.
calluna vulgaris 'firefly'
The abelia is blooming and oh, that pink tipped foliage is so pretty!
abelia 'Sunshine Daydream'
When I bought this dwarf conifer..I wasn't expecting it to hold this 'blue' color all year. It is beautiful and the snow sharpens the color even more.

chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Blue Surprise'
callicarpa 'Beautyberry'
I cannot get over panicums. In winter, they have remained upright with their petite seed heads dancing in the wind.
panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah'

Licorice Ferns 
polystichum setiferum 'Alaskan Shield Fern'
pinus densiflora 'Burke's Red Variegated'
Isn't this a pretty picture? I've only grown pieris a few years and I have been so pleased with their early blooms for the bee's and hummers. They handle the part sun areas under tree's nicely. I had not noticed the winter red coloring and now it just adds to how great I think this shrub is.
pieris japonica 'Scarlett O'Hara'

Demon the Terrible
My only bloom..ish! 'Elly' from the Spring Promise line started blooming in November. The shape of the blossoms reminds me of fancy, ballroom dancing skirts.
helleborus spring promise 'elly'

Visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens for December's Garden Bloggers Bloom Day and Pam at Digging for Foliage Follow up and check out more amazing gardens. Even in December we can find beauty in our gardens.

Wishing All a very happy, holiday season.


  1. Wow, those are some really fantastic photos!

  2. The snow adds an extra element of poetic beauty to your plants. I'm continually amazed at how many fabulous Abelias there are out there - now I have another to add to my wish list. I love that hellebore too but I was even more enamored by the Demon, making his way through the snow. My poor cat doesn't get much outdoor time (coyotes are active even during the day now) but today she was put off by the rain and barely ventured beyond the door of her porch when she had the chance.

    1. Hi Kris, Demon is really a turd. But, he faithfully follows me around the garden. Yesterday, with the 3" of snow..he was quite put out and promptly ran for the front porch. Big baby.

  3. Great shot of the ferns in the tree with the moss and the snow and the birdhouse. Glad you guys survived your icy, snowy weather and didn't go stir-crazy with the kiddos.

    1. Ha! I did go crazy yesterday and ditched the kids for the grocery store and a mocha. They were so absorbed in their tablets they didn't even notice I was gone. Oh well.

  4. Our garden is just soggy, wet, muddy!

  5. Demon steals the show, even against the tough competition you provide.

  6. We only got a little snow that melted in the morning. Sorry to hear how horribly Portland was hit with the ice as well but glad that you've been home, safe and sound. Your variegated pine is quite beautiful as are all of your lovelies. Happy holidays!

  7. I'm such a sucker for conifers, so I'm drooling over your variegated pine. Shazam, that foliage! Actually, everything looks beautiful, especially with a little cap of snow. Thanks for joining in for Foliage Follow-Up.

  8. That pine is fabulous, and I never knew that Abelia blooms were so pretty! Especially with the snow cap! Love the shot of your Demon Cat, too. I'm writing this with my very own demon cat on my lap. :) Merry Christmas, Jenni!


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