August 2017 Garden Bloggers Bloom Day

It's the 15th of the month and time for garden bloggers around the world to share what is blooming in their gardens. Thanks to Carol @ May Dreams Garden for hosting this fun monthly meme.

In my corner of NW's been a dry summer. We've had no measurable rain for 57 days. While it's nice to have a break from our rainy springs..57 days is a long time. This past Sunday saw the break in that pattern with a day of rain.

The hot, dry temps finally coaxed this new (to me) perennial to bloom. It sure took it's time but Helenium ‘Mariachi Salsa’ started blooming in August. 

Helenium ‘Mariachi Salsa’

I really like the long bloom period of helenium. They have sturdy stems and provide long lasting color. The bee's like them too.

Here is another helenium I've enjoyed all summer as it has continued to send up blooms all season.

Helenium Mardi Gras

Helenium Mardi Gras

This perennial gets a big thumbs up from this gardener as they have survived a harsh winter and monsoon like, rainy springs.

Intermixed with my helenium plants, I have placed rudbeckia 'Little Henry' and 'Goldstrum'. These are sturdy, tried and true summer blooms in my garden. They faithfully hold up in my heavy clay soil.

Rudbeckia 'Goldstrum'

Rudbecka 'Goldstrum'

Despite personally preferring softer, more pastel colors....I've been building a bold, summer perennial garden. The hummingbirds, bee's, butterflies and dragonflies visit me regularly and that is a special treat. It's the reason I garden, to attract wildlife.

Growing my favorite hyssops and coneflowers has been relegated to container growing. The heavy clay soil gets so water logged in the winter and spring months, they sadly don't survive.

Agastache mexicana

Echinacea purpurea

Echinacea Pow Pow White

My colorful walkway garden will hopefully be dismantled this next year, as we inch closer to completing our dream patio project...but for now, this little bed is full of vibrant colors.

Crocosmia 'Fire King'

echinacea 'purpurea'

Mystic Haze Dahlia
Oh hot August...I am happy to move away from's September that I long for! But, I have enjoyed the pretty summer blooms.

Coreopsis 'Route 66

Acanthus spinosus

Happy Garden Blogger's Bloom Day!

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Your late summer garden with so many varieties of Helenium and Rudbeckia is gorgeous, despite the dry summer you have been having, and I do love all the bright colors for August! The temperatures and rainfall have been completely the opposite here on the east coast. Continue to enjoy your beautiful blooms and Happy Bloom Day!

  2. Our helenium seem to be struggling. We have Goldstein too but our soil isn't suitable for echinacea which is a pity.

  3. Hi Jenni,
    here in Austria it has also been very dry this summer, though this is rather unusual. I think your plants look as if they didn´t mind the dryness-they look healthy and happy!
    Best wishes,

  4. Beautiful blooms!
    I have a 'pow wow wild berry' and now that I see your 'pow wow white' I want one of them, too!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  5. Beautiful bold bright blooms Jenni! Here it feels like autumn blew into town on the wind the day before the rain. She's not yet begun unpacking her bags but I can feel her presence in the changing quality of the air and light. Happy GBBD!

  6. I too am looking forward to September and cooler temperatures. It will come but right now seems so far away. I like the bolder colors and think they look great.

    Jeannie @

  7. The sun coming through your Agastache is a beautiful picture. I'm a big fan of that flower in general. Happy Garden Blooms Day!

  8. As the pastels of spring give way to the bolder colors of summer, I too, look forward to September, with its cooler temps and some much needed rain breaks.


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