The Rainy Day Garden in Autumn

The Pacific Northwest has been treated to an insanely gorgeous start to autumn after a dry summer. We've had a few, rainy spells but mostly it's been dry weather with cool evenings. Utter perfection. The moisture that arrived was much needed.

The Rainy Day garden is fully immersed in fall colors at the moment. It brings me joy to walk around and photograph the season. Fall feels fleeting this year with such a dry summer. When the rains do arrive, I fear the leaves will be knocked of and the season of changing colors will be gone.

Pretty acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku' (coral bark maple) anchors the bed above in the back yard with chamaecyparis lawson 'Blue Surprise', persicaria, ninebark, native current, bamboo and ferns. This is a gorgeous spot in autumn. Soon, the leaves of 'Sango Kaku' will turn gold.

Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku'
Below:  jeweled amethyst purple hues set against a backdrop of rich reds, shout to the world 'autumn is here! with a fantastic color combination.

Jeweled fruits from the Beautyberry mixed with dwarf burning bush
I can't get enough of looking at the fruits of the beautyberry. It's such a unique little thing. While it's good food for birds, I am a bit sad when they've been gobbled up.

Burning bush is not my favorite shrub for most of the year, it really only stands out in fall. I am sentimental about the two that I have. They are remnants of my old home and garden and among some of the first plant purchases I made. I feel they are overdone in our area as you find them dotted in most commercial landscaping designs, but I do enjoy mine and keep them trimmed and shaped to provide a 'doorway' into the next outdoor space.

Euonymus alatus 'compacta'
From a distance..the burning bushes do stand out. My next project is to expand this middle section of my backyard. I've got a few things planted, like miscanthus sinensis 'Malepartus', a tall, upright maiden grass. I think that my pine trees are quite fabulous too. Oh and the shabby hardscaping. Well, why would I bother really putting it in if I keep expanding these beds?? Ha!

Below, a close up of the maiden grass and it's aged silvery foliage.

miscanthus sinensis 'Malepartus'

A bit further back, in the fruit and vegetable gardens, the blueberry foliage is fantastic!

Shall we take a moment to pay homage to the gorgeous and prolific autumn bloomer, anenome 'Honorine Jobert'.

anenome 'Honorine Jobert'

anenome 'Honorine Jobert'

anenome 'Honorine Jobert'
And as we walk back up to the front gardens, we pass the ever blooming dahlia's. Dark foliage and butter yellow blooms.....what's not to love?

In the front yard pollinator gardens, asters, salvia and coneflowers are still blooming. I caught garden in the late afternoon as the sun kissed the blooms in golden light.

Aster Novi-Belgii 'Marie III Dark Pink
The original purple's a must have in my summer thru fall pollinator garden. I am amazed at how it just keeps pumping out new blooms.

echinacea purpurea
Hardy hibiscus 'Jazzberry Jam' and it's final bloom of the season. Most people who walk past my house are in awe of the dinner plate sized blooms from both of my hibiscus plants. Intense color, tropical looking blooms and it's hardy!! Jackpot!

echinacea 'Tomato Soup'
Hopefully this lantana that I'm growing in a container will survive the winter.  I really love these blooms!

My favorite heath is calluna vulgaris 'Firefly'. It's sporting it's coral hued foliage in fall. The spent white blooms look so delicate.
calluna vulgaris 'Firefly' with aster Novi-Belgii 'Marie III Dark Pink

asters and jupiter's beard..which is still blooming!
The sweet anenome 'September Charm' is rather charming in October as well. It blooms along the side of the house, spared from hot midday sun.
anenome 'September Charm'
And here is the view I leave you with. It's the one I see when I pull into my driveway after work everyday. It is spectacular, isn't it.

Wising all an amazing autumn.


  1. It's a lovely time of year and your garden wears it's autumn finery beautifully! Let's enjoy every minute of it as winter is just around the corner.

  2. Lovely shots! Your garden is looking wonderful.


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