An Autumn Rain

An October rainfall has graced the Willamette Valley, here's a little photo tribute:

Droplets on panicum 'Shenandoah'

A different view of anenome 'September Charm'

Nasturtium 'Fiesta Blend' - self sown

Dramatic colors on Northern Sea Oat grass

Salvia 'Amistad' nearing the end of it's blooming season

A spray of watery fireworks on panicum 'Rostrahlbush'

more nasturtiums..also nearly finished for the season..but the foliage captures water droplets so prettily..

Happy October! Cheers, Jenni


  1. So pretty...all of it! And amazing photographs, my friend! Happy autumn!

    1. Thank you T! I take that as a great compliment from someone whose photography I admire!

  2. I don't think the rest of the gardening world appreciates how much we west coasters welcome the first autumn rains. Your photos do it justice, I especially like the colors on the oat grass.

    1. Thank you Jane. Yes, it's really a dramatic change..that first big rainfall. I lucked out that I had heavy mist drizzling the plants (perfect for picture taking) before monsoon like rains arrived.


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