Blooming in April During the Covid 19 Pandemic

My family has been home for five and a half weeks. We are complying with our states 'Stay At Home' order. We are lucky, we can work from home and my kids are back to school, participating in 'distance learning'. The pace of life is really different but we are managing and I am grateful for a home and garden, now, more than ever.

The upside of this 'Stay At Home' order, is that I've finally been able to soak up 'Spring' in my gardens and fully enjoy emerging foliage and all of the color schemes I've previously designed. 

A focal point in the immediate back gardens are the emerging bleeding hearts. I prefer the variety 'Gold Heart' for it's bright, chartreuse green foliage.  It is such a dramatic pop of color in the shade gardens.

Blue Forget-Me-Nots contrast with the pink bleeding hearts and the color combo screams 'Spring' with all it's pastel goodness. Forget-Me-Nots self sow nicely and I'm not tired of them yet, so I'll let them continue to spread around. I am a sucker for blue flowers at any time of the year.

The old dogwood tree has been blooming. It is really magnificent. It was planted by my husbands great grandparents and we see many of this variety in a several block area around our home. It must have been a 'thing' in the 1940's or 50's.

Cornus florida

Cornus florida
Orange is a color that feels more like summer, but it's here, announcing the arrival of spring. Totally Tangerine Geum is a favorite in my spring garden. I've divided up the original plants and some have found their way into neighbors gardens. I also continue to I spread them out in my own gardens. I do love to spread the joy.

Speaking of dividing and spreading plants, this year..with our states 'Stay Home Order', we haven't been able to get out and enjoy visiting our favorite plant nurseries. I've found myself spending time dividing plants, planting up plants sitting in the 'pot graveyard' and finishing garden projects long neglected. 

If there's a silver lining to these unprecedented times, for me, it's finishing a lot of undone business in the garden.

Geum 'Totally Tangerine

Primula siebolii 'Lacy Lady'

Above, primula siebolii 'Lacy Lady' looks great among emerging ground level plants. So delicate, it might be missed if you don't slow down and enjoy all the details.

Next, the row of blueberries are in full bloom. All that's missing is bees. We've not had a lot of bees this year thus far. I've been worried that some of the nearby lots that were bulldozed recently and have had new houses placed upon them would negatively impact our bee population. My husband is on board for creating more bee habitats/nesting sites in our yard.

Blueberry blossoms
And judging by the amount of blossoms on the Barlett Pear tree, it could be a bumper crop.

Pear Blossoms
What about blooming shrubs....I'll begin with Fothergilla 'Mt. Airy'. I love those white bottle brush blooms, but I love the foliage color turn in autumn even more.

Fothergilla 'Mt. Airy'
Below is our native red currant bush. Is there anything better than sitting in the shade of a tree while the hummingbirds buzz about getting their drinks? I think not..

Our native yellow currant also in bloom. It does not have as big and showy of blooms compared to our native red currant but it's fragrant and lovely all the same.

Native Yellow Currant
What about the weeds? Well...the dandelions seem to be having a good year. I given up on trying to rein them in. I'm leaving them alone for now; they can have part of the lumpy lawn. The bees love them and I don't want to dissuade the bees from visiting. 

And this plant is just about to take off.....everywhere. Centranthus ruber Coccineus, or Jupiter's Beard, is quite a spreader in my gardens. However, I don't mind. It pulls up easily, so I can corral it. I love the continuous display of color and how much the butterflies and bees love it. It's also fairly adaptable to less water. Seems like a winner.

Centranthus ruber Coccineus 'Jupiter's Beard'
So, that's a wrap for the current blooms in April. May brings the blooms of iris and columbines. I'm looking forward to that but mostly, I'm enjoying this extended time at home to sit and contemplate in the garden. What will be my next gardening moves? Did my dream of growing cut flowers die? Is growing vegetables a necessity this year? And where will I get starts if I do move back into vegetable gardening? These are some of the gardening related thoughts on my mind. 

Cheers, Jenni


  1. I guess I fell off the email list but now I'm back! I welcome the forget-me-nots too, no matter how profligate they become. I find them irresistible. Dandelions? maybe not so much.


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