Dry Days

It's the mid-summer crunch :( We just had a long hot spell that proved hard on my little plants despite my watering efforts. But, here are some pics of my little cottage garden.

One of these years I'm going to improve the quality of our grass. lol

Drawf Gaillardia
Darling Bumble Bees on Liatris

Garlic with my new Sonoma & Williams hummingbird feeder. It was a gift for my birthday from my sister in law :)

My neighbors Hydrangea. I love that a good portion comes thru the fence. Makes lovely bouquets.
Mini Dahlia

Black Eyed Susans
Front color bowls.

We have begun to build container boxes for next years garden. I am hoping to have veggies at our house next summer :) More updates on that project to come later.

Unfortunately my dahlias have not done well this year. The winter was very hard on them and it was my fault for not taking them out of the ground...ah well. Hopefully they'll recover for next year.

Even though it's small, I sure do love my little yard.

Happy Gardening


  1. Hey Jenni, I love your Roses! Your garden looks like it is flourishing! I really wish I had more energy to work in the garden and do other things but this time of year it has to pretty much fend for itself.

    Thanks for commenting on my blog.

    Look forward to seeing more! Have a great weekend, regards, T.


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