Late Summer Blooms

I feel the nip in the air at night; fall is around the corner. During these last warm days of summer, I delight in the late flowering plants that provide a new burst of color and those that keep their blooms all season long.
I need patience during these last days of summer, patience to hold myself back from purchasing the first waves of hothouse grown mums and asters that greet me so temptingly at the garden centers and grocery stores.
I remember that I still have lovely blooms to enjoy and savor. September quickly approaches and my petunia pots will be replaced with mums, asters and decorative kale in a matter of weeks.

Here are some of the late summer blooms that I am enjoying:

Dragon Eye dwarf daylilly

Coral Gladiolas

Cactus Dahlias
White Swan Island Dahlia

A perfect 'Peace' bloom

Red 2" bloom Dahlia

Happy Gardening!


  1. your flowers are gorgeous! I am with you on trying not to buy the Mums at the store, I know eventually I will give in but for now everything is still flowering! :)

  2. Poppy - you'll have to snap some new pics of your place all decked out for fall! You do such a cute job of it :)


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