Reblooming Daylilies

I adore my little collection of reblooming daylilies. As a full time working mom, hardy perennials are my friend!

I found a them via Spring Hill nursery online a few years back and thought I would give them a try. I haven't been disappointed.

My favorite is called Dragon's Eye.

It has pretty Rosy pink blooms with a rich two tone center of mauve and green.

Other favorites are Stella 'd Oro, Prairie Wildfire and Happy Returns. I really appreciate how these little plants produce pretty blooms from summer till frost and are hardy enough to survive a cold snap in the winter.Stella d' Oro

Prairie WildfireCan't remember the name of this sweet little peach number!

Our little flirtation with the heat has been welcome! My corn is happily responding to the sunshine with sprouting glee!

Cheers ~ Jenni


  1. this is a very pretty post! I am so glad I found your blog. I am going to become a follower!

  2. hahaha....I already am a follower!!! duh!!! lol

  3. Love your photos of your daylilies. They are one of my all-time favorite perennials. I have Barbara Mitchell in my garden right now. I need to add Strawberry Candy, one of my other favorite daylilies that I had in a previous garden. I'm going to look for that Dragon's Eye too, I love the ones with colorful eyezones!

    Thanks for visiting my blog today, and commenting on my carrots. I hope yours grow well for you too!

  4. Pretty! Dragon's Eye is my favorite here! You are so right about daylilies' hardyness and reliability.

  5. Wow, beautiful daylilies! I justw as out snappin' photos of mine this morning - I don't know any of their names :~( The first one, Dragon's eye, is one of the prettiest I have seen. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. The hot few days we just had finally got the wild berries kickin' into gear at long last - the bears around here were starting to get grumpy and peer into people's windows! Cheers, Bonnie

  6. Your daylilies are gorgeous.

    Wow, only 74 days until autumn. I'm ready. :-)

    The word verification word is 'hydrate'. That's definitely what we need to do during the summer.


  7. They're all so pretty! I really like the Dragon's Eye. I've just started buying Daylilies and I'm making sure the types I get are rebloomers too.

  8. I love daylillies, but have had trouble with the rabbits mowing them down. They will not venture onto the rocks or bark, so we are inthe process of mulching our lily beds with something uncomfortable. :)


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