The Last Fall Blooms

The dormant time of year is upon! I snapped up some pics from the last of my garden blooms this week and a creepy looking guest 'hanging' around.

I've never seen one of these spiders before, it was big and scary!!! It is called a Black and Yellow Argiope. My kids were fascinated by it :)

I've done my November prune of the roses and it's time to get those bulbs in the ground, albeit last minute. I've plans to get some compost onto the flower beds and tuck all my lovely plants in for the winter.

Hope you are all doing well gardening friends! Cheers, Jenni


  1. So nice to see a blog post from you, it's been a while. Sometimes it's hard to get started again when you take a break from it. You still have some very pretty flowers.

  2. Hi Alison ~ I've been pretty overwhelmed with the new job I started this summer, I've ended up working a lot of overtime...good and bad. It's left little energy to focus on my blog but I am hopeful after the craft/bazaar season that things will finally slow down :)

  3. Hi Jenni. You still have some beautiful blooms in November. Mina are all about gone now and the bulbs are planted. It is always a good feeling when you have all those fall chores done. Have a wonderful week!

  4. This time of year I know I appreciate every flower that I see.
    I guess I better get on my roses, but some are still blooming and I hate to cut those flowers off.


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