Lily Blooms

Tonight, it's quiet and I'm listening to the sounds of Robin's battling the finches in original song.  There is a soft westerly breeze that allow's the scent of the roses and lavender to float indoors.  mmmmmm.

My lilies are blooming; they are such a delight.  Bright florescent color on prominent sturdy stalks.

Near the front door step, I planted these bulbs, when my 'dwarf' magic carpet spirea was newly purchased and 1/16th of it's current size.  Now, the lilies force their way up through gaps in the spirea to produce their showy color.
The first blooms on this pink lily are quieter than years past
This lower bloom is a little brighter

Pretty orange sherbet
I think the orange is my favorite
And a surprise bloom this year.  The liatris usually crowds these guys out..great color!
Here's to wrapping up a long week and looking forward to working in the gardens this weekend.
Cheers, Jenni


  1. Jenni, these photos are so lovely - I guess it's the light, but they could almost be water colour paintings!

    Have a great evening.

  2. Those are lovely lilies. What a treat they must be to see in person. Your flower scented breezes sounds really nice too.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  3. Beautifully written post, Jenni. The robins have really been singing away this year, haven't they? Or maybe they do every year and I'm just paying more attention to them this year. Your lily photos are beautiful. I only grow Orientals and they aren't blooming yet so seeing yours is like a prelude to the oncoming show. Beautiful!

  4. Oh, that last lily is enchanting! I love lilies. Great reminder for me to order more!

  5. Love the lilies, especially that last one. I don't know why, but that striking color combo is a favorite this year for me.

  6. Beautiful colors! Great photos. Mine aren't even close. I'm sure I'll get there all too soon. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Such beautiful shots. They look like watercolours.

  8. The last lily is a lovely colour - ours are just in bud at the moment

  9. Lilies are so pretty. Love the top photo. Kelli

  10. Hey Jenni, your lilies look so lovely :)

    I think your Lupins will come back next year. But they can be fickle and the bugs do like them, mine are planted completely in the wrong place but they do still struggle and persevere to come back every year. :)

    I also lost several roses this year, I do think the long wet winter took its toll on some of my older plants :(

    Hope you Have a lovely weekend, T. :)


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