Garden Harvest = Time to Preserve

This morning with the help of my little girl, I plucked my first ripe tomato and pepper's.

Last year, it was not until mid-September that I had ripe tomatoes to harvest, with the incredibly cool summer that we had. I'm thrilled to get started with preserving my harvest. 

My favorite canning recipe book has to be 'Canning for a New Generation' by Liana Krissoff.  If you have not browsed this book, it's worth a look.  She's also on FB :)

Here's a link to my adventures with tomato saucing last year. It was my first time attempting to preserve tomatoes. This year I have more confidence to try and add some additional ingredients as well as trying out some pepper preserving and salsa making recipes! It's very rewarding to see all of my tomato and pepper plants so heavily loaded with goodies this year. 

What is your favorite canning recipe book?

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Your tomatoes and peppers look so good...have fun experimenting with new recipes! I don't have a particular canning book that I use, but get from various places. I grew up with my Mom canning with a water bath canner...just the basics...but I've learned a little about pressure canning the pasta few years. I do some of my green beans this way. Most veggies I blanch and freeze. My favorite salsa recipe can be found on my blog. It's an easy recipe that we really enjoy.

    1. Oops.. I don't can "pasta"...that's supposed to say the "past" few years! :)

  2. Your tomato, pepper and courgette all look lovely. I'm finally harvesting ripe tomatoes, later for me this year. It's so rewarding to harvest, especially when long awaited!

  3. We are picking our first tomatoes now but for us it is very late - lack of light and warmth this year!

  4. Its so marvelous to harvest and eat the fruits of your labour. Alas, I'm not so successful in this venture as my plants are badly infested with mealy bugs.

  5. That photo is just so good! Composition is great, and the subject matter even better.
    Jane has been making most of my tomato harvest in to sauce - some for eating now, some for freezing.
    Fabulous peppers / chillis too, Jenni. What type are they? Are they hot or sweet?

    1. Hi Mark, I grew a combination of sweet and hot peppers. I have some sweet banana, then a warmer variety called 'Anaheim' and then a hot variety, which is producing smaller peppers. I'd like to see more ripen up as I'm keen to make some salsa with my onion crop! You've been a great inspiration to try my hand at growing peppers! Well done Jane with the saucing!

  6. Looks like you've got a bumper crop of zucchini too. :) I hope the canning process has gone smoothly. Love your counter top.

  7. Awesome harvest...have fun canning!


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