Moving Blues

The day of our families move back into the Portland area is quickly approaching. On the one hand, I'm very eager and feeling as if things are not progressing fast enough to ready the new house. The kids start soccer camps next week in the new town and my kitchen is not in. Hello Anxiety!!

However, on the other hand, I look out my windows of the current house and see the gardens I've built over the past seven years. It's a tug on my heart.

The good news is that I don't have much time to dwell in the land of bipolar emotions. Mid-weeks trips with kids in tow down to the new house to work on painting, a small business not only to maintain, but also to grow and a house to pack up (in an organized fashion) keeps my mind running at full speed.

Although there is so much going on, I'd be lying if I didn't admit to having moments of sadness. This old cottage house is where I brought both of my babies home after their births. My treasured flower gardens have provided hours of comfort and therapy and the view of the mighty Columbia River, steadily rolling to the Pacific Ocean beyond, has always brought me happiness and a little corner of calm.

So, I say farewell to the little cottage house in Rainier. I'm going to give myself the permission to feel sadness about leaving as it's really just a natural part of the process of letting go. Meanwhile, my family around me is ready to 'be there already'!

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Bless your heart Jenni ~ Moving would be hard that is for sure. You are going to make this new place truly yours and fill it with love, and lovely gardens and make new memories.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  2. Jenni, I know how you feel, I have been through the same thing on a couple of occasions. What I held on to, was the fact that I got to create all over again, granted I was a lot younger then and had the energy, I don't think I could do it again.

  3. I hope the move and the adjustments go well for you. I can't imagine the feeling, as I've lived within 15 miles of here for the past 45 years! (except for about 6 months on the beautiful Oregon coast!) I'm sure you will be creating more beautiful gardens, and beautiful new memories too!

  4. Big Hugs Jenni! When we moved three years ago from Massachusetts, I gave in to a crying jag almost every night. It was stress more than sadness over leaving my old house and gardens, and also worry over the big unknown future. You've already started making the new place into a lovely home, so I know you will all settle in well. If you have a grill, you can always cook on that for a while till the stove arrives. Or eat out!

  5. Sweet sorrows Jenni....your cottage is so cute..

  6. HI Jenni, I totally understand how you feel, moving is so bittersweet but I think you are moving to a lovely area and you won't be too far from the Willamette and the Tualatin, maybe not as majestic as the Columbia but can get almost as wide at flood stage, lol! :)

    I'm sure you will be taking cutting from all your fav. plants at your little cottage to create your garden in your new home and fond memories will abound as it blossoms and of course you have your beautiful photos :)

    Have a lovely day, cheers, T. :)

  7. Good luck with everything, moving home can be very stressful, especially with children and pets, but it's all about being organised :-) The house I am living in now is my 23rd in my life and I am 47...but I intend to stay where I am now for the rest of my life, I hope! Needless to say I am used to packing up houses!

  8. Hope the move goes well. You have to see it as a new opportunity! I love the atmospheric pic of the river: that would be a good tourist postcard.

  9. I don't think there's anything very easy about leaving a beloved house and garden. The only thing that can make it easier is the excitement of moving in to a new house and making it your own home, and of course creating a new garden. Wishing you all the very best. At least you'll have lots of photos of your old place.

  10. You'll soon be so involved in the move and settling in that the old house will just be allowed to be a happy memory and you can start building new memories for the future.

  11. I understand Jenni. This mixture of sadness and excitement is an odd feeling.

  12. Jenni, May the excitement of settling into your new home with doors opening to new adventures & opportunities ease the sadness you feel about leaving your old home. May you reflect on old memories with fondness as you enjoy new experiences & begin creating new memories. Wishing you & your family much happiness in this new chapter & looking forward to you sharing more photos & stories with us!

  13. Cousin Jen, you truly 'dig in your roots' and fully dedicate yourself whatever you do. You are truly an inspiration to me.


  14. Oh Jen, I really understand those pangs...leaving something familiar and loaded with emotions and memories. I hope the new opportunities for closeness with friends and family will slowly fill the sadness cup with calm and joy overflowing :) I for one am so happy to have you closer!

  15. I see I have a lot to catch up on with you....I'll be back to blogging when the summer is over. I haven't been able to make time this summer. Miss everyone in the blogging.


  16. Hope the final moves goes smoothly! Very exciting times ahead. Good luck! All will work out in the end.

  17. Oh Jen, I feel for you. That view is amazing. I hope you're taking lots of photos. Maybe you can even blow one up, frame it and hang it in your new home as a memento. And while you're at it, get those awesome garden photos too. I love your entrance garden.

    It's good that you're giving yourself permission to feel the goodbye pains. Feel free to share them here too. We're all rooting for you.

  18. The tug of 'what was', the memories built there, will remain always. But you are headed into the land of 'what will be', with earth to till, flowers to watch bloom, hello's to be made and new memories to create. Look softly at the legacy you live in the home/yard you are leaving, for the next people to live there will create stories for themselves in that space and whispers of the dreams you shared there will float into new ones for them.

    May the move this weekend be uneventful, the boxes unpacked quickly and your shoes find a new place to rest. I'm looking forward to hearing all about the roots being put down in this new "what will be" home. ~K


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