Moving Update!

Friends, we are in the new house!

The Good:
I have an office. (Granted it's in the dungeon of a basement..but it's my space!!) The summer vegetable garden is growing and ripening like gang-busters! I've never had ripe peppers before. Salsa making here I come! Tomatoes are getting ripe on the vine; I have cucumbers..oh my!!

The bathroom remodel is complete. The living room furniture is in! Kids are loving the ability to ride their bikes around safe streets, have been enjoying the local parks with water fountains and have even made few new neighborhood friends!

I've managed to keep my little online bead shop open during the move and have not missed an order deadline yet!

And, best of all, hubby got an incredible job offer not 10 mins from the new place, so all of our worries about him having to commute the 1.5 hours (each way) are resolved. Whew!

The Bad:
Moving in 100 degrees with just you and your husband sucks. Moving with kids in 100 degree heat with just you and your husband, sucks worse. (note: We were nicely surprised with some last minute help by a few of my friends to load & unload the heavy appliances and furniture pieces..xoxo friends!!)

Upon move in, had no working dishwasher (I know, cry me a river...) or oven. The refrigerator nearly didn't fit in it's cubby and the exterior door was significantly dented and scratched during the moving process. Our 9 year old cat ran away. While we successfully moved the extra freezer with all goods intact, due to a slightly uneven garage floor, the door opened one night and I literally lost hundreds of dollars of food.

Millions and gazillions of ants on the counter tops greeting us the first few mornings here.

The old front door won't really close without a jaw-breaking slam. One kid decided to defecate in the back yard for reason's unknown.

Kitchen floor is not finished, the trim boards in the living room are not up and we realized (almost the hard way) that some of the living room windows are about to fall out.


1) Never move again
2) Never move again if I can't afford movers.

Sorry, no pictures to share of yet....I *think* I know where my camera is...OY!

Update....9 yr old black cat waiting for us on the front porch this morning, looking fairly intact!

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Oh Jenni! Losing all that food from the freezer would have done me in. So glad your cat came back! How wonderful it must be, though, to have so much great food growing in the garden.

    1. Alison, if I hadn't had the contractor here installing my dishwasher, I would have flooded the house in tears over my frustration about that stupid freezer fiasco! I guess the silver lining is that I have 'lots' of room for new food to perserve :)

  2. Oh, dear. Well, at least the cat came back! Hopefully everything else will fall into place soon, and life will return to normal.

    1. Thanks Granny! I am so happy that damn cat came back!

  3. Oh no...sounds like a rough move, to say the least. :( I'm glad your cat came back though...hope it's the start to a string of GOOD things happening for your family!

  4. I'm feeling a little nervous now. We are already getting disbelieving looks from friends and family when we say we are planning to do the move ourselves. I'm sure the cat coming back kicked good karma into gear. Wishing you many happy years in your new home.

    1. Oh Susan, I've learned my lesson. I should have worked harder to line up help to get the moving truck loaded and twisted the arm of one of the multiple sets of grandparents to help watch the kids. Thanks for the well wishes!

  5. You are brave indeed :)

    Glad your cat came back :)

    Wonderful your Hubby getting a job close by :)

    I remember vowing "NEVER AGAIN" too but still we conspire to, we never learn do we?? LOL!!!!

    Hope things settle down soon and the ants take a hike :)

    Have a lovely weekend, cheers, T. :)

    1. Thanks T! I've felt like this haggard old woman this week, dragging myself to the grocery store for a starbucks until all the boxes/food was unpacked. What a sight I must be! lol!

  6. Moving sucks, but you are in! That always makes things so much eaiser. I never like the moving part, but I liked the settling. I enjoyed finding the right place for everything. It was about 0 degrees when we moved. Hard to keep a home warm when you are in and out. I'm glad the cat returned. I know moving is hard for them. Hope things settle in fast. Glad the kids are enjoying the community.

    1. Thank Bonnie! Anytime you are hankering for a trip to PDX, you let me know, I'll have the entire weekend mapped out working in my crummy new yard!! ;)

  7. Oh my, moves are never easy and I'd say you've had your share of the bad parts. I'm glad your kitty came back.

    May things all smooth out soon. It was good to hear your hubby got a nice job close to home too.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  8. Lots of good things are coming out of the move! I like hubby's new job...nice and close. We vowed never to move again when we did our last one at -40C (-40F). no worries about food thawing, just plants freezing in the 15 minute trip. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks Ian, I think your move in minus degree weather trumps my 100 degree day! Hubby and I are hoping this will in fact be the last move as it's into his historic families home :)

  9. OMG...first off...CONGRATS! Secondly, UGH, moving sucks so bad! I actually came to the same realization last time we moved...NEVER again...until we can afford movers!!! Anyways, I'm only moving somewhere with a TON of space for a really big garden :-)

    1. Thanks Scott! I think moving for bigger gardening space seems quite reasonable..with the help of movers of course ;)

  10. Moving is rough! And this heat is so bad!!! Your move sounds so much like our move to WL 2 years ago (to the day actually). Hottest day of the year, fridge didn't fit so it was in the middle of our small kitchen forever, no pantry so boxes of kitchen stuff everywhere, and the list goes on. But, it got better and we realized we HAD indeed made a good move! Two years and lots of projects later (still ongoing) we love our fixer-upper. Almost not-so-much-a-fixer anymore. :) Wishing you lots of luck and patience! Congrats on all the good news!

  11. Glad to hear your moved...sad to hear all the things that went wrong...not fun! I always tell my kids that the happiest people in the world dont have the best, the happiest people are the ones who make the best of what they have. Take care

  12. So your move was during that awful heatwave? I am so glad you survived in tact. Congrats on hubby and the job offer. This is amazing! Sorry about the ants. We have them too. Those dang tiny sugar ants. I'm glad your kitty came home. It must have been a bit traumatic for him/her. What an adventure. I hope you never have to move again. I hope I never have to move again.


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