GBBD February 3013

Spring is around the corner here in the Pacific Northwest. Witch hazel and forsythia are beginning to bloom. I hear the robins singing loudly in the early mornings.

This spring marks a fresh beginning in my gardening adventures. Beds formed and planted last fall will have their first season of delighting myself with their growth and blooms.

First blooms of the season are:


And more crocus. All the colors are beginning to bloom now.

Heather 'firefly'



And there begins the adventures of my new gardens. So much to anticipate ahead.

Click over to May Dreams Gardens and join the blogging fun to see what is blooming around the world.

Happy Garden Bloggers Bloom Day!
Cheers, Jenni


  1. Oh you have Crocus and narcissus already up and blooming! Mine are still just little green things poking an inch out of the ground. But I certainly do have others blooming. It must make you so proud to see such cheerful, healthy flowers at the new house.

    1. Hi Alison, it does make me proud, and so excited too. I have definitely been hibernating this winter and seeing some sunshine and blooms is re-energizing me!

  2. Lovely photos, Jenni. Especially the dark Hellebore, which is absolutely fabulous! I think maybe I should plant some of those. Presumably since you have some they do well in damp conditions? :)

    1. Hi Mark,
      Yes, Hellebore appreciate damp & shady conditions. They are some of the first plants to bloom in the spring. I am so addicted to them!

  3. Lovely spring flowers :-) You are a bit earlier than us over here, but I think we are going to catch up soon, as the ice cold wetaher we have had for weeks finally seem to let go.

  4. Lovely signs of Spring!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  5. What a delight it is to see your new gardens bursting forth in the newness of spring with all it's beauty and colors. Enjoy ~ FlowerLady

  6. So pretty - I really love the heather!

  7. It's lovely to see spring flowers but I'm a bit miffed a clod-hopping workman must have trodden on some of my Katherine Hodgkins irises!!

  8. Such a lot of very pretty blooms. That Narcissus is just beautiful. Of course here in my part of the world I don't get to see the lovely things you've shared today. Enjoy these beautiful signs of Spring.

  9. I love the primroses. I'm afraid I have about 3 more months until spring. I'm glad you are close. The photos are great.

  10. Spring is coming along beautifully with you, Jenni! Like Mark, I'm envious of that hellebore.

  11. Lovely photos, I'm so ready for Spring and Spring flowers!

  12. I am living vicariously through your sign of anything like that here. It's now snowing again.



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