Portland Yard, Garden, Patio Show: Highlights

A wonderful day was spent today among gardening enthusiasts! I attended the Portland Yard, Garden and Patio Show with my neighbor and mother-in law yesterday and it was a treat to have all your senses swim in gardening flavors.

I hope to have a few posts this week to showcase the event and some of the aspects I enjoyed. Today, I'd like to share some of my highlights in photo form.

Front Entrance Garden with a gorgeous greenhouse from Sturdi-Built
A new one for me, Zombie Tulips!
A 10 foot Slab Maple Table in the Urban Edible Garden Display
Vertical Garden in the Urban Edible Garden Display
Chicken Coop in the Urban Edible Garden Display. I really liked this display, can you tell?
A simple but lush water scene by Classic Garden Creations
Hands Down the most original display at the show

Everyone in my party voted that I needed to acquire this coffee cup planter. Apparently my love of coffee is legendary.  This cup of gardening was being offered by 7 Dee's Nursery. 
Garden of Eden Gate
The energy of the show was intoxicating. Walking around, listening to bubbling fellow gardeners gush about their future flower plans or the inspiration they received while enjoying the themed gardens was such a treat. It felt as if the winter thaw had really begun and it reminded me that truly spring is around the bend.

I'll have more photos of the themed garden displays and some great vendors I met later this week. If you have time to head out to the show today, I recommend it! Free Seminars and lot's of gardening inspiration. A great way to kick off the gardening new year.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. I was put off garden show by exhibitors cheating - I mean things such as forcing plants to flower at the same time as one another when they never do. Bedding with plants that will grow into tall shrubs.Planting in a way that isn't sustainable i.e. the plant would be fine in the situation used in for a week or so but wouldn't survive long term.

    1. Sue, I hear what you are saying. I was disappointed by the lack of native plants in any most of the 'themed gardens'. However, it was really interesting to experience the show through the eyes of my neighbor, a very novice gardener. She found gardening excitement. We talked about why many of the display plants would not be good for her gardening/landscaping plans but we found some gems too. I'm going to talk later this week about my thoughts on the 'popular' plants used in this years themed gardens.

  2. I like all of the ideas from the shows. I know my garden won't ever look as perfect and full as the displays, but there is always a fun vibe whenever gardeners unite to revel!

    1. IG - I'm with you, my garden will never look as perfect or lush, but I love being introduced to new plants and reacquainting myself with some favorite local nurseries.

  3. Sounds like you had a great time and your pictures are fun! I so wanted to go to the Portland show this year but my schedule wouldn't allow it so I'm glad that I can visit vicariously with you! Love the Garden of Eden Gate.

  4. I think shows like this are a good source of inspiration. Look, but don't buy is probably the best policy. You can often get the products at a better price online. Another good aspect of a show is that (if it's not too busy) you can sometimes talk to the stallholders and get advice from them. The Garden of Eden gate is too sinister for my liking. I prefer the cup. You could perhaps grow a coffee bush in it...

    1. A coffee bush would be perfect! Great suggestion Mark!

  5. I really like the Urban Edible one too! I really like that greenhouse also. I love all the great ideas you can get from these shows.
    Seeing your pictures makes me excited for the garden show here in a couple of weeks.

    1. Catherine, I always enjoy your posts about the Seattle shows! Looking forward to reading about this years!

  6. That gate is gorgeous, and the greenhouse too! I want one of each. Love the coffee cup too, I have to have my coffee every day. Looking forward to more posts! Garden shows really do get your energy and enthusiasm up, don't they?

  7. Exhibitions like this is amazing, if you leave your wallet and credit card at home and just look at it as inspiration. I wouldn't mind that Maple Table!

    1. I loved the maple table too! I didn't do too much damage, purchase wise. A girl can only carry so many things ;)

  8. I love events like that as they're so inspirational and full of ideas.


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