Oregon Snow

Snow in the Willamette Valley is not common in the winter and it seems that about once every five years, we get a storm that shuts our region down for a few days.

It's here.
Snowy Street in West Linn, Oregon (Willamette District)
The poor television news anchors have been on air broadcasting for 12 hours straight. Commuters, despite the warnings from said news anchors, have all left work in a panic and jammed the freeways. (Case in point, Intel, the largest employer in Oregon released all 20k + of it's workers at the same time Thursday afternoon)

There is panic at the grocery stores with milk and bread flying off the shelves!

How we manage snow storms here is quite laughable compared to regions that deal with snow all winter long. But the truth is, it's quite an event for us, one of the few things that can temporarily shut down our region.

Tassel Fern
What I appreciate about our rare snow events, is that we leave the hustle and bustle of everyday life behind, for a short while and are forced to stop and notice the power and beauty of nature.


Nandina Domestica
The kids are delighted with the break from school. This is their first snow fall in our new hometown. Snowball fights are springing up and dads are blowing the dust off of sleds in dark corners of garages to be put to real use today.

Here's to snow days and a break from the everyday!

Cheers, Jenni


  1. So sweet to see the kids having fun in it!

  2. Snow sends to get things grinding to a halt in our parts to. When I was first teaching we had extended breaks to have snowball fights and build snowmen. Then health and safety said snowballing should stop as the children may pick up stones in the snow and injure someone and then the education authority could be sued. Better still close school just in case and this way we could avoid being sued altogether. What's more snowball fighting wasn't on the curriculum and so had no part in the school day. I guess they call it progress.

  3. Thanks for wrapping up the gift of snow in a ribbon of words and picture perfect paper.

  4. To me your photos are simply gorgeous. I love seeing winter scenes in other blogs. I know the snowfall has put to stop to most everyday events, but as you say, it's a great opportunity to slow down and really appreciate the beauty of what's around us.

  5. Snow is a major event here too, and so much fun for kids.

  6. Love your first 2 photos. Beautiful! My kids have been enjoying the snow, too.

  7. Snow is fun for yound and (sometimes) old, especially when you have it occasionally. After two winters lots of snow, this time we got nothing until now. Lovely pictures of the snow covered plants.

  8. The forced break from everyday hustle and bustle is a gift of grace! Thanks for sharing it with us. I've just discovered how delightful warm cider mixed with caramel apple vodka is. I highly recommend it for after the kids go to bed!


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