Voyage to The Netherlands, Part 4

Gosh, I meant to write these tribute posts to my summer time trip to The Netherlands earlier this winter, but I suppose there is no time like the present.

One of our side adventures while staying in my families home town of Nunspeet, was a visit to Kijktuinen gardens, designed by garden and landscape architect L.J. Goedegebuure.

Kijktuinen Gardens, Nunspeet, Gelderland, The Netherlands

The gardens have rows of perennial beds, first by color then mixed by complimenting colors. It was exciting to see what plants they choose. One of the things I was truly delighted by, was the amount of butterflies that were visiting these beds.

Common Butterfly on white Cone flower

Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly

Peacock Butterfly 

Peacock and Common Butterflies
Peacock Butterfly
Our visit was in early August, prime butterfly season, and I was enchanted by the multitudes of fluttering wings dancing upon the blossoms. The mixed perennial beds of cone flowers, verbena, phlox and helenium swayed in the wind. Grasses created movement in the breeze.

Mixed perennial flower beds, with Verbena Bonariensis playing a big role

Look at how the orange cone flowers take center stage. Incredible color in a high summer garden.

Fields of dahlia's
Wonderful splash of silvery blue color surrounded by the phlox and saliva. 
The gardens have cool and comforting water features like this pond surrounded by lush greens, creating shade and private nooks.

I enjoyed the pieces of art that were carefully placed along the gardens, mostly contemporary in nature. While we visiting the ponds, I noticed many people who stopped and filled up the benches along the display. They seemed in no hurry to leave and I thought that was a great testament to the appeal of this garden.

A small watering hole nestled along the grasses and saliva
One of the features that was particularly welcoming during the warm, hot and humid afternoon was a Mediterranean inspired display with a large water feature.

I loved hearing the water droplets splatter in the pool. The grasses and verbena swayed in slight breeze, it really did feel like my I might be visiting a villa near the Mediterranean sea.

I could not find an identification tag for this tall plant. The foliage was incredible. Anyone know what this is?
We finished our self tour by walking through the plant nursery, admiring all of the plants for sale. It was pure and simple frustration to drool over plants and not in any way be able to take them home. Sigh, such are the plights of the world traveler. (ha ha).

I'm left with my memories of a beautiful, high summer day, full of bold, colorful blooms, butterflies and bicycling to and from the gardens through the streets of Nunspeet with my husband. Precious.

Cheers, Jenni

***Update, un-identified plant is likely peucedanum verticillare. Thank you Scott!

Here are links to my previous posts on my trip to The Netherlands:


  1. Some really beautiful photos! Amazing gardens.

  2. Glad you fit in some garden visits on your wonderful trip...and snapped a few photos to share with us.

  3. What a lovely garden! It must have been such a treat. It was very nice to have your pictures to look at, so full of summer sunshine, on this cold, dreary day. Did you happen to also take a picture of the foliage on your unknown plant? The seedhead reminds me of cow parsnip/Heracleum lanatum, a PNW native.

  4. I am so glad you got to see such a beautiful garden. The butterflies are amazing. Thank you for sharing. What a trip.

  5. The butterflies and bees must have been drunk on all the nectar. The one that you call a common butterfly we call a comma and not as abundant as the peacocks or tortoiseshells - although last year we had a distinct lack of tortoiseshells.

  6. I have visited this garden also. It is a real inspirational garden. Groetjes from Holland,


  7. These photos are so incredibly beautiful Jennifer. With all of the rain and gray and mud, we need these. Thanks for sharing. You must have really enjoyed your time.

  8. Gorgeous garden and gorgeous butterflies! You're making my travel bug worse!

  9. Yay for the Netherlands and great butterflies both! Thanks for sharing!


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