Wednesday Vignette - A Second Flush

My gardens feel hot and crispy. This unreasonable heat! We appear to be in for a break for the first part of August and I am delighted.

And more delight, the delphinium has sent up a second flush of color. Sigh. Sweet blue hues in the height of summer.

summer delphinium
I happen to really love the way the summer blooms of the delphinium pop in front of the karl foerster grass.

Ahhh, dreamy, cool, blues in hot summer.

To see more fabulous Wednesday Vignette posts, come visit Anna's blog to see what is showcased this week.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Lovely vignette! And yes, I like this combination too.
    I love delphiniums, but all my attempts to have them in my garden failed. What soil do you have, Jennifer? Our soil is acidic.

    1. Hi Tatyana, we have a heavier clay soil. It can be nice for retaining moisture but when it's dry...yikes it's like concrete!

    2. They say delphinium likes light, sandy, well-drained, slightly alkaline soil. Well, our soil has all these features, but it's not alkaline.
      Clay soil... doesn't sound good, but look at your garden - it's lovely!

  2. Oh, isn't it gorgeous! I love it when plants pleasantly surprise us. Makes all the toiling worth it.

  3. That is one lovely vignette...and the Phygelius in the background gives it just the right spark of color.

  4. I grew amazing delphiniums when I lived near the Canadian border but they barely grow here at all because of our heat/humidity. Yours are beautiful. :) Hooray for cooler temps!

  5. Such a marvelous blue - and I agree with Rickii. The combo of the Phygelius, the grass and the Delphinium is killer!

  6. I LOVE Delphiniums! That cool blue looks spectacular against the grass. It's remarkable that it chose to bloom during a heatwave up there. They're almost impossible to grow in SoCal and, even under the best of circumstances, they disappear when the heat turns up (which happened in March this year). I've given up even trying to grow them but I enjoy seeing yours.

  7. Delphinium are lovely plants and one of my favourite. We had the 'coolest July' in 22 years in Northern Ireland... so hopefully a bit of heat for us this August.

    1. Ah Kelli, I'll happily trade weather! We had an extremely cool summer in 2010. It was difficult to get the tomatoes to ripen.

  8. Truly gorgeous Delphinium! Love the shade of blue and the way it catches the light.


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