The Orange Filter - Wildfire Smoke

Last weekend the wicked wildfire smoke from Eastern Oregon and Washington blew through the Columbia gorge and dumped into Western Oregon & Wa. The smoke was hard on folks like me who have severe asthma, but I did sneak out to take some photos in the pretty morning light. The light was filtered by the smoke in the air and created an orange hue, that early in the day, was beautiful.

Acer circinatum 'Sun Glow'
The front gardens were cast in an orange glow.

euphorbia 'Ascot Rainbow' with calluna vulgaris 'Firefly'
The color of the morning sun was nearly orange sherbet.

agastache 'apricot sprite'
The air got thick and super hazy as the day went on. This told the story of just how big these fires are in our Western States. We keep those brave firefighters in our thoughts as they continue to battle.

Phygelisu x rectus 'Devils Tears'

euphorbia rigida with nasturtium
We are seeing strong chances of rain for the upcoming weekend. Our region is desperate for it. Those fires need a heavy dose of moisture and while the light was pretty, I'd be ok if we never saw smoke that thick again.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. The haze made for spectacular scenery as we drove through the countryside late in the day. That's one way to enjoy the beauty (in an air conditioned car). Might as well, while still appealing to the weather gods for rain, and lots of it.

  2. I hope your rain comes but I'm glad to,see something positive came out of the fires

  3. Hope you stay safe. We have several groups of students out there running the fire camps. I hope you get rain soon. Great photos.

  4. I hope that you did get that promised rain Jenni, we certainly did get some...and are craving more to be honest. Everything suddenly looks refreshed. The sun the other morning was brilliant orange in the sky...smoke filters here too. And Saturday the smoke intensified...thanks Kamloops for sending it all over here. LOL.



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