Wednesday Vignette - Fabulous Native Ferns

This past holiday weekend, our family camped for a few days in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. We enjoyed a break from our dry and hot weather, to experience a cooler and damper setting in the trees.

On one of our hikes, I found this amazing grove of Five Fingered Maidenhair Ferns.

Adiantym pedatum 'Five Fingered Maidenhair Fern
Adiantym pedatum 'Five Fingered Maidenhair Fern
They created the most beautiful under-story setting to compliment the huge hemlocks, cedars and douglas firs.

It was a sight to behold.

Join Anna over at Flutter and Hum for more lovely Wednesday Vignettes.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. I love maidenhair ferns but the ones in my garden did not like this hot dry summer. I did water them, but it just wasn't enough. I'm so bummed that these you're showing were not in a garden, just out in nature, and looking fab.

    1. Alison, they were like delicate emeralds. I was in awe.

  2. Hi Jennifer!
    What a beauty!
    I love ferns and I am not alone - this summer, bunnies ate some young maidenhair ferns in my garden!

  3. One of my favorites, but same here as with Alison. Mine aren't looking so hot after this trying summer. The ones you captured are pure woodland perfection. Absolutely lovely!

  4. When I need to cool off this weekend, all I need to do is come back to these photos.

  5. That is a truly gorgeous fern. Love the black stems. I keep meaning to try one, but I expect I will be pushing my luck!

  6. Our first summer here in this house, while I was removing a bunch of overgrown ugliness, I was thrilled to discover a tiny clump (maybe 3 leaves) of this fern. It stayed while everything around it went away. Like Alison I've had trouble keeping it happy over super hot and dry summers but it's worth the extra effort! Do you have one in your garden Jenni?

    1. I don't have any, but that needs to change. I have a vision! lol

  7. Beautiful! These are hard to grow here so I'll have to enjoy yours vicariously. :o)

  8. I have some ferns in my garden, but they are ones that seem to thrive in dry conditions, which is useful because I have some patches of dry shade where not much else will grow.


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