Wednesday Vignette - Raindrop

Wild wind and rain battered the NW Oregon this past weekend, much to our regions delight. I captured this leftover rain drop in the nasturtium.

Ahhh, moisture.

Visit Anna over at Flutter and Hum to see more unique Wednesday Vignettes.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Oh, that's fabulous! Yes, wasn't it a relief to get some rain - even though it wasn't as much as I had hoped for. Your image perfectly captures how precious that water is - wonderful photo, Jenni!

  2. Like a diamond in a green setting. Beautiful! We've had quite a bit of rain (three days of it) here and got quite a bit earlier in the month as well so our soil is delightfully moist!

  3. Oh, Jenni, what a great shot! The round nasturtium leaves with the spiky variegated grass, and the raindrop, perfectly focused. Such a nice contrast. Well done.

  4. I love the rain held in a nasturtium leaf. It always reminds me of quicksilver!

  5. Perfect vignette to celebrate blessed rain.

  6. Beautiful picture! We can't garden without rain. Groetjes, Hetty

  7. Glad to hear it. Great photo. This is the first year I tried nasturtiums. They did pretty good. Thanks for sharing such a peaceful photo.


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