Happy May Day

I'm so happy we've turned the corner on April and have entered the month of May. We are on the cusp of a few sunny, warm, spring days here in NW Oregon.  Sunny days are a cause for celebration as they have been few and far between since last fall. We have grown webbing between our toes from an extremely winter and early spring.

PNW Native Oxalis oregana
The upside of all the rain is the emerald green of so many plants. For example, Oxalis oregana has carpeted my shade beds with a lush green glow.

Rodgerisa 'rotlaub' is up with massive foliage this year. This pic is from 2 weeks ago
In the front gardens..the Rodgerisa is massive! I need to get an updated pic as the one above is from two weeks ago and it's now overtaken the entire area. To the left, heuchera 'miracle' has gorgeous color.

Shades of Green

It's a jungle out there! My garden beds are swollen with emerging ferns and hosta foliage. Sweet woodruff is everywhere...just how I like it and it's starting to bloom.  Then there's the spanish blue bells. Sigh. That's a losing battle, so I just enjoy them and cut them down after they bloom.

Lamprocapnos spectabilis
I'm enjoying the long bloom time of my various bleeding heart fuschia's. It's a sweet symbol of spring.  The dogwood tree is looking pretty good too! Our neighborhood is dotted with pretty pink dogwoods in bloom. It makes me smile as I drive around. 

I enjoyed my little garden walkabout this afternoon...but....oh wait..there was this racket going on next door...

On the other side of my shaggy bamboo..construction on the new houses. Moving dirt to get the forms for the foundation put in. It'll be an interesting spring and summer as these two, large homes are built. 

Wishing everyone a Happy May Day! 


  1. Happy May Day! Yes, it's a relief to put that cold and wet April behind us. You've pointed out some benefits of the wet cold - blooms lasting longer, foliage looking fresh, green everywhere. Perhaps our gardens won't get that "I'm so tired and just want fall to come" until later this year. Your plants look very happy! I feel your pain with the Spanish bluebells and have also given up the fight & just pull them once they're done. Why aren't tulips this easy? Here's to sunny warm days to come!

  2. You've done such an amazing job renovating that old garden. That shot with the Rodgersia just looks so lush and beautiful. The Oxalis, lady's mantle and fern is a nice combo too.

  3. We are suffering from the opposite - hard, dry ground. I have been watering today!

    1. It always seems that we have the opposite weather Sue!

  4. You have some wonderful tapestry effects going on there.

  5. Everything looks great. It has been fun watching your gardens mature. Great job!


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